Who fasts during Ramadan?
Who was the final Prophet?
Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)
What is the event after Ramadan?
Eid al Fitr
What is the longest surah in the Quran?
Surat Al Baqra
What year is it in the Hijri calendar?
When do Muslims fast in Ramadan?
Dawn to Sunset
Who originally built the kaaba (2)?
Nabi Ibrahim and Nabi Ismael AS
What significant event took place during the last 10 nights of Ramadan?
The Holy Quran was first revealed
What is the shortest surah of the Quran?
Surah Al Kawthar
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Ramadan is what month (#) in the Islamic calendar?
In which city was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) born?
Makkah Al Mukarama
The Night of Power or Laylut Al Qadr is said to be the same or better than what?
1000 months (in terms of salat, zakat, performing good deeds etc)
Name 3 surahs that are named after animals?
(Any 3)
Surah al Baqara
Surah al Feel
Surah al 3ankaboot
What month is Hajj performed in?
Dhu Al Hijjah
Intensely heated by the sun
Which Prophet was swallowed by the whale?
Nabi Yunus AS
Who of the prophet's companions or family passed away during Ramadan? And who was he/she to the prophet? (Ramadan 10)
Khadija AS, the prophet's wife
How many surahs are there in the Quran?
What is the name of first Battle of Islam?
Battle of Badr
Name the 3 months that follow Ramadan in the Islamic calendar
10. Shawal
11. Dhu Alq3da
12. Dhu Al7ja
Which prophet was the most mentioned in the Quran?
Nabi Musa AS
Who of the prophet's companions or family were born during Ramadan? And who was he/she to the prophet? (Ramadan 15)
Imam Hasan AS, his grandson - the son of Sayida Fatima and Imam Ali AS
The Quran was revealed to the Prophet over how long of a period? And where?
23 years, 10 in Medina and 13 in Mekkah
What is the virtue of reciting Ayatul Kursi before going to bed at night to sleep?
You are protected from harm till sunrise