What happens to shaitan every ramadan?
He gets locked up.
What is eid?
Eid is a big celebration after the month of Ramadan. It is absolutely FORBIDDEN to fast on this day.
How many days is Ramadan?
Ramadan goes for 30 days, but it depends on the moon.
What are the names of Muslim Prayers? (Name at least 3 of the 5)
Fajr, the morning prayer
Zohr and asr, the afternoon prayers
Magrib and isha, the night prayers.
What food to muslims traditionally use to break their fast?
What happens at the end of Ramadan?
We stop fasting at the end of Ramadan and there is a big celebration known as Eid.
What can break a muslim's fast? (Name at least one reason)
Eating, drinking, "ladies time of month", smoking, use of foul language, intention
Why are the last 10 days of Ramadan the holiest?
Muslims engage in more worship, say more prayers, and recite the Qur'an in more depth. It is when the night of qadr is which is when the Quran was revealed.
What is iftar?
Iftar is the meal which you eat when you break your fast.
When do muslims fast each day? From when until when?
From Fajr to Magrib
What do muslims do during Ramadan? (Name at least one thing)
Read Quran (the Holy Book), give charity, pray, and stay from distractions (addictions, bad language, music etc.)
What should we stay away from, especially during Ramadan?
We should avoid bad actions, such as fighting, hurting people’s feelings, disobeying elders, wasting time,, and many more.
Why do the dates of Ramadan change every year?
Ramadan is a lunar month, so every year it goes back a few days.
What is sehri or suhoor?
This is the meal which you eat before starting your fast.
Who does not need to fast during Ramadan? (Name at least one)
Young Children, anyone who is ill, pregnant women, people with diabetes, anyone traveling, women on the time of month.
What month is Ramadan in the islamic calender?
It is the ninth month of the islamic calender
What is special about Laylatul Qadr or the final 10 nights of Ramadan?
Laylatul Qadr is when the Quran was revealed.
When will Ramadan start this year?
February 28 or March 1
What is Zakaat?
Zakaat is a form of charity
What is the nightly prayer in Ramadan called?
a special
Ramadan prayer called “Taraweeh”
How do muslims know that Ramadan has started?
When we see the first crescent moon of the lunar month.
Why do we fast?
We fast to help us feel the pain of the homeless and the poor people.
List 2 scientific benefits of fasting.
What are the 5 pillars of islam?
Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj
How do you wish someone a Happy Ramadan?
Happy Ramadan or Ramadan Mubarak