What is the name of the special night in Ramadan when the Quran was first revealed?
Laylat ul Qadr
What is the first word revealed in the Quran?
Which prophet built the Kaaba with his son?
Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail
Where was the first qiblah?
Masjid Al-Aqsa
How many Surahs (chapters) are in the Quran?
What is the Sunnah before going for Eid prayer?
Eating something sweet, like dates, and performing Ghusl
In which Surah is Laylatul Qadr mentioned?
Surah Al-Qadr – Chapter 97
Which prophet could speak to animals and control the wind?
Prophet Sulaiman [AS]
How many days did Allah take to create the heavens and the earth?
6 days
Which angel brought the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Angel Jibreel
In which year of the Islamic calendar was fasting in Ramadan made obligatory for Muslims?
2nd year after hijrah
Which prophet is mentioned the most times in the Quran?
Prophet Musa (AS) – over 130 times
What happened in the year known as "The Year of Sorrow" in the Prophet's (PBUH) life?
The year when both his wife Khadijah [RA] and his uncle Abu Talib passed away
Which two things did Allah say He created humans from?
Clay and a drop of water
What is considered the greatest verse in the Qur'an?
Who is eligible to receive zakat?
The poor, needy, debt-ridden, travelers, and those striving in Allah’s cause – Surah At-Tawbah, 9:60
How many times is Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) name mentioned in the Quran?
4 times
Which two prophets were also kings, ruling their people while being messengers of Allah?
Prophet Dawud (AS) and Prophet Sulayman (AS) (Surah Sad, 38:26 & Surah An-Naml, 27:15-16)
What is the name of the first mosque ever built in Islam?
Masjid Quba, Madinah
What was the first battle in Islam?
The Battle of Badr
How many years did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) observe Ramadan fasting before his passing?
Nine years—from when fasting was made obligatory in 2 AH until his passing in 11 AH.
Which Surah was revealed entirely at once?
Surah Al-An’am – Chapter 6
Which prophet’s people were destroyed by a powerful wind after they rejected his message? (Name the prophet and his people)
Prophet Hud (AS)—His people, the Aad, were destroyed by a severe windstorm. (Surah Al-Haqqah, 69:6-7)
What are the names of the two angels who question people in the grave?
Munkar and Nakir
Which of the Prophet’s (PBUH) grandsons were martyred in the Battle of Karbala?
Imam Hussain