At what age does fasting in Ramadan become obligatory for boys and girls in Shia Islam?
What is 9 lunar years for girls and 15 lunar years for boys?
Which surah of Quran is know as the heart of Quran
Surah Yasmeen
What are the two main sources in Islam that determine whether something is halal or haram?
What are the Qur’an and Hadith?
Halal" means forbidden in Islam.
False – Halal means permissible, while haram means forbidden.
If a person deliberately eats or drinks while fasting in Ramadan without a valid excuse, what must they do to make up for it?
What is they must make up the fast (qada) and pay kaffara, which is either fasting for 60 days or feeding 60 poor people?
What is the name of 108 Surah known for its short and beautiful verses
Surah khawthar
Leader or guide
If a person is starving and has no access to halal food, is it permissible for them to eat haram food to survive?
What is yes, in cases of necessity, Islam allows eating haram food for survival?
If a drop of alcohol accidentally falls into a large pot of soup, the entire soup becomes haram.
Even a small amount of a haram substance can make food haram, unless completely transformed (istihala) or negligible according to some scholars.
In Shia Islam, what is the ruling on brushing teeth with toothpaste while fasting?
What is it is allowed as long as nothing is swallowed?
Which Surah is the longest Surah
Surah baqra
If a halal dish is cooked in a pan previously used for haram food without proper cleaning, is the food still halal?
What is no, cross-contamination with haram substances makes it haram?
All seafood is automatically halal in every Islamic school of thought.
While most scholars consider seafood halal, some schools (e.g., Hanafi) restrict it to fish and exclude shellfish.
If a person intentionally stays in the state of janabah (major impurity) until Fajr during Ramadan, what happens to their fast?
What is their fast is invalid and they must make up the fast (qada) along with paying kaffara?
Which Surah is prophet Moses story mentioned in detail
Surah Al qasas
Ramadan meaning
The hot month
Some scholars debate whether gelatin is halal or haram, depending on its source and transformation process. What is the Arabic term for the process of chemical transformation that can change a haram substance into halal?
What is Istihala?
If a product contains ethanol in a non-intoxicating amount, it is always considered haram.
Some scholars differentiate between intoxicating alcohol and trace amounts in processed foods or medicine.
Name three acts that do not break the fast but are makruh (discouraged) in Shia Islam.
What is cupping (hijama), excessive rinsing of the mouth, and applying kohl (surma) in the eyes?
Which Surah is known for Surah of light
Al nur
zaqat meaning
Charitable giving
: If someone unknowingly consumes something haram, are they held accountable in the Hereafter according to Islamic teachings?
What is no, Islam does not hold a person accountable for what they consume unknowingly or unintentionally?
If a haram ingredient undergoes complete chemical transformation (istihala), it can become halal.
Some scholars allow it if the original haram substance is fully changed into a new, pure form.