What surah is the month of ramadhan mentioned in?
An example of a Sunnah Fast
Any acceptable response: Mondays, Thursdays, 3 white days, Arafat, 10th of muharram,
What Surah is Laylatul qadr mentioned in?
Surah Al-Qadr-Innaa Anzalnaahu
Allah says: Ramadhan is prescribed on you so that you may attain ________
Taqwa: God-Consciousness
The number of days in the month of ramadhan can be
29 or 30
What battle/s took place during Ramadhan?
Battle of Badr, Fath Makkah
What is a form of "fasting" non-Muslims do today?
Laylatul Qadr is better than how many months?
What is the reward of fasting?
Unlimited. Whatever Allah wishes
Ramadhan is the __ month of the Islamic calendar
9th month
How should the person who cannot fast fulfill their ramadhan?
Feeding if they can't fast or get better, making it up if they can get better, both in some cases
What breaks your fast?
Eating, drinking, and sexual activity, during fajr-maghreb
Laylatul Qadr is better than how many years?
What is the fasting of prophet dawūd
To fast every other day
What is the root word of Ramadhan, and what does it mean?
Ramadh, to walk on hot sand, purification from heat
What act of worship did Allah also mention with the ayahs of fasting that is done specifically in ramadhan?
Who is fasting obligatory on
Muslim, sane, adult, able to fast (health), local person
What are 3 different opinions regarding when Laylatul qadr could be?
27th, odd night, any night, last 10, night of jumuah in the last 10, etc
Is taraweeh a sunnah? Explain
Yes, etc
What days are haraam to fast
Eid days, day before ramadhan (if with certain intention)
How long is the month of ramadhan according to the ayahs of the Quran?
Just a few number of days
What are 5 reasons that exempt someone from fasting
Travel, illness, child, period, insanity, possibly pregnancy
What are signs that it is Laylatul qadr
Clear ray-less sunrise, rain, etc
What is the best dua to say on laylatul qadr
What does Laylatul Qadr have to do with Qadr, the 6th pillar of Iman? (Divine Decree)