Charioteer Sumantra took Rama to the banks of this river where they met chieftain Guha
Where is the river Ganges?
This winged creature fought Ravana as he kidnapped Sita
Who is Jatayu?
This vanara approached Rama and Laksmana in the guise of a Brahmin. He became friends with Laksmana and a devotee of Rama.
Who is Hanuman?
This king of Raksasa’s rules on Lanka
Who is Ravana?
This creature was so beautiful that Sita asked Lord Rama to get for her.
Who is the Golden Deer?
Bharata visits Rama in these forests.
Where is Chitrakuta?
This brother of Jatayu protected him from scorching heat of the sun
Who is Sampati?
He is the wind god and father of Hanuman?
Who is Vayu?
He is the younger brother of Ravana who joins Ramas fight.
Who is Vibhisana?
He appeared in the garb of a sadhu to deceive Sita
Who is Ravana?
Sage Agastya suggested Rama to set his asrama here for the remaining period of the exile
Where is Pancavati?
When Hanuman was flying to Lanka this mountain obstructed his way
Who is Mainaka?
He was the king of vanara kingdom
Who is Bali?
He is the brother of Surpanakha who summoned fourteen of his generals to defeat Rama and Laksmana.
Who is Khara?
The Raksasa when killed by Rama cried out in a voice exactly like Rama’s, “Ha Laksmana! Ha Sita! Alas, Alas! Save me!’
Who is Marica?
This city is the capital of Bali’s Kingdom
Where is Kiskindha?
This monster, a Naga maiden, declared to Hanuman as he was flying to Lanka, that he had to enter her mouth in order to cross the ocean.
to Lanka, that he had to enter her mouth in order to cross the ocean. Who
Lord Rama helped this vanara slay his brother and get the vanara kingdom.
Who is Surgriva?
He is the brother of Surpanakha who was killed by Rama with a divine astra.
Who is Dusana?
Magic darts from this son or Ravana bound Rama and Laksmana to render them helpless.
Who is Indrajit?
Sabari’s asrama was on the banks of this river
Where is the river Pampa?
This Raksasa was one of the brothers eaten by Sage Agatsya and digested by him.
Who is Vatapi?
He is the legendary Vanara who is the son of Bali, known for his strength and helps find Sita.
Who is Angada?
He fought Bali and was an awful Raksasa who terrorized all creatures.
Who is Dundubhi?
The Vanaras entered this magical cave that was a never ending maze. This tapasvini gets them out of the cave.
Who is Svyamprabha?