First Aid
In Water
Scenarios (Next Step)

What is the compression to ventilation ratio for adult CPR



Why is it important to have two people operating a BVM

One to create a seal, one to squeeze the bag. Can't do both at the same time as one person


What are the essential parts to PPE

Gloves and a breathing barrier


A zone should allow a lifeguard to recognize and reach the drowning person in how many seconds?

30 Seconds


You are on stand and notice a patron begin to seize in the water

Activate the EAP and respond


How often should a team response switch to ensure quality cpr

2 minutes or every 5-6 cycles


What should do if a person has body piercings before delivering a shock?

Work around them, do not place pads directly on them


What does SAMPLE stand for

Signs and Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent Past Medical History, Last Oral Intake, Events Leading up to the scene


When is a slide-in entry the most appropriate?

Suspected spinal injuries or crowded pool


There is a spinal incident in the rec pool and you are in the office when radioed

Move to the Rec Pool and grab the backboard to assist


What technique is used for giving compressions for an infant?

Encircling Thumbs


What should you do if you only have adult pads for an Infant in cardiac arrest?

Place the adult pads on the front and back of the infant


What acronym can be used to respond to a suspected stroke?


Face, Arms, Speech, Time to call 911


What is the most appropriate save for an unresponsive drowning person at the surface facing you

Passive Front Save "J Hook"


You are the primary rescuer providing CPR to a patron collapsed in the locker room. The guard you have radioed comes in to help. 

Verify that 911 has been called

When arriving on scene already in action, what is the first thing you should check for?

9-1-1 has been called


Who is the person responsible for maintaining an open airway and seal when operating a BVM

The Airway Manager


What is recovery position?

A side-lying position used to maintain a clear airway in unconscious patients without injuries who are breathing adequately. Or if vomiting or if you have to leave and get help


How to care for a seizure in water

Call 911, Support head and shoulder above water
Remove when over, assess care needed, provide cpr if needed


During a swim meet, an athlete becomes unconscious and you have performed the rescue.  

Let Athletic Trainers take over care. Assist in care and crowd control

What is technique is used to open a persons airway with no spinal injury suspected

Jaw-Thrust Maneuver 


What does AED stand for

Automatic External Defibrillator


What are the steps to caring for a mouth/teeth injury if no head/neck injury is suspected?

Rinse with water, Lay on side or lean forward, Try to prevent blood from being swallowed, apply dressing, or ice to reduce swelling


What are the steps to a suspected spinal rescue?

Please refer to LGI for full answer


A parent approaches you with their child saying that they have hit their head, it is swelling and you can see that their nose is bleeding.

Call 911, ask the child to sit down and provide care while EMS is on the way.