Who is our current Gadol?
Roee Biluar
What do we call an AZA member?
An Aleph
What should you wear at elections?
Suit and tie
What region are we in?
Where do we normally meet on for Saturday events?
Who is our current advisor?
Jeremy Palgon
What is a chapter?
A smaller group of people (AZA, BBG, or BBYO) in a bigger region
What is the only position that not everyone can run for?
Kohen Gadol
Name one other chapter in the region other than Ramon?
Answers could vary...
Who is in charge of leading events and logistics (housing and staffing)?
What is Ramon's chapter number?
What does BBYO stand for?
Bnai Brith Youth Organization
What is the job of the Metaksher (Yuval Weissberg)?
Plan rides and communicate with parents and alumni.
What is our next regional event?
Where are business meetings held?
The current Gadol's house.
Where do we go after business meetings?
What was our chapter called before Ramon?
Dr. Theodor Suess AZA
Where do we go after elections?
How many REGIONAL convention do we have?
2 (Kallah & Spring Convention)
What is our next event?
What year was Ramon founded?
What does JSZ stand for?
Jerusalem Shel Zahav
How many total positions are there currently?
What region number are we?
What was yesterday's event?