This is the main reason many alcoholics struggle with the concept of a Higher Power.
What is lack of belief or skepticism
Before finding recovery, Bill believed he could control his drinking using this method, which ultimately failed.
What is self-will or self-knowledge?
Dr. Silkworth described alcoholism as having these two components, making it more than just a moral failing.
What are a physical allergy and a mental obsession?
The first requirement for recovery is that we must be honest with this person.
Who is ourselves?
The mentors said that this client sits in the most self pity
This simple decision, mentioned in We Agnostics, is the key to opening the door to faith.
What was Bills Profession
Stock Trader
According to Dr. Silkworth, once an alcoholic starts drinking, they experience this reaction, which makes it nearly impossible to stop.
What is the craving (or physical allergy)?
According to How It Works, half measures resulted in this kind of outcome.
What is nothing?
This Client seeks to be the center of attention
Who is Lane
According to We Agnostics, deep down in every man, woman, and child is this belief, whether they realize it or not.
What is the fundamental idea of God?
During his hospitalization for alcoholism, Bill had a profound spiritual experience after crying out to this entity for help.
God or Higher Power
Dr. Silkworth believed that alcoholics suffer from an obsession so strong that they cannot do this, even when they truly want to.
What is stay stopped (or resist the first drink)?
The Twelve Steps are described as this kind of program, designed for recovery from alcoholism.
What is a spiritual program (or program of action)?
These clients think AA is a cult
The Big Book suggests that we had to cast aside this particular prejudice to recover.
What is contempt prior to investigation
Dr. Silkworth explained to Bill that alcoholism was not just a moral failing but also involved these two components.
What is a physical allergy and a mental obsession?
This term is used by Dr. Silkworth to describe the alcoholic's mental state, which leads them to drink despite knowing the consequences.
What is the strange mental blank spot
Step 3 asks us to turn our will and our lives over to this concept.
What is the care of God as we understood Him?
This client finds a way to skip SPF on a regular basis
Who is Amit
This passage in We Agnostics describes how even scientific minds and atheists sometimes have a shift in belief after a profound spiritual experience.
What is the 'spiritual experience' or 'psychic change'?
Bill's transformation began when he admitted defeat and adopted this simple yet powerful belief.
What is "God could and would if He were sought"?
Dr. Silkworth suggested that the only way an alcoholic could recover was through this type of experience.
Spiritual Experience
Before beginning Step 4, the Big Book warns that we must be convinced of three key ideas, one of which is that our lives are this.
What is unmanageable?
This client's spirit animal best represents "Penny Wise" from IT
Who is Rob