Restroom, Halls , & Specials
Classroom Do's and Dont's
Morning and Afternoon Procedures
Rewards and Consequences
Extra, Extra, read all about it!
one single file line behind the teacher
What is how to walk in the halls
what I must do before I pspeak
What is raise my hand
What do I do first when I arrive to school
What is unpack my backpack
the amount of macaroni's we get for each compliment
What is 25
what I do when teacher leaves the room
What is do not talk or get out of my seat
No talking, or fooling around
What is allowed in the hallway
what to do when an adult enters the room
What is stop talking, no matter what
what i should do with my planner
What is show it to my teacher and then have it stamped
the amount of macaroni's for chaple behavior, fire drill, and tornado drill behavior
What is 100 macaroni's
where I find all upcoming assignments
What is the calendar chart and planner
25 macaroni's
What is how many macaroni's do we get in the jar if hte special teacher said we did well
when should I be in my seat
What is when the 8:25 bell rings
what I do with my homework and teacher notes
What is put them in the finished work trays
how I checik out a book
What is write the name of book, date I checked it out and my name and number on the book nook card and put in box
bathroom breaks
What is at 9:15 and after lunch
when I can leave the classroom
What is when I have permission from an adult in charge
What five things I do at the end of the day
What is have FILLED out planner signed, put on sticker, pack book bag, pick up 10 pieces of trash, and have a seat until the teacher dismisses me
what I get for a filled chart
What is a free pass for either a spelling test, candy, soda, assignment or free day of morning work
what I do with my planner
What is fill it out exactly like the teacher's planner, check off finished asssignments and circle unfinished assignments on my planner
bathroom behavior
What is no talking at all in bathrooms
how should I always act
What is in a Godly manner
What I work on every morning
What is DOL or DOM; journal
what happens if I change my card
What is... yellow is a warning and no sticker red is loose 10 minutes off recess purple is loose 20 minutes off recess black is loose all recess and trip to principal's office
how to organize my desk
What is soft books on one side, hard books on the other, no papers in my desk only in my portfolio