What does Superman's "S" stand for, exactly?
a. Hope
b. Faith
c. Love
d. Serenity
There's an extremely popular and durable meme which features two superheroes pointing at each other. This image comes from episode 19b from a 1967 episode of animated television. Who is the hero in this popular meme?
a. Batman
b. Spiderman
c. Iron Man
d. Hulk
Save money, live better
a. Sprouts
b. Smart and Final
c. Walmart
d. Target
What are the highest and lowest points in the world?
a. Mt Fiji and Black Sea
b. Mt. Everest and the Dead Sea
c. Rocky Mountains and Weddell Sea
Mt. Everest and the Dead Sea
What is the only fruit with the seeds on the outside?
a. Jack Fruit
b. Grape
c. Cantaloupe
d. Strawberry
Who was the first superhero to refuse to join the Justice League?
a. Hawkman
b. Plastic Man
c. Metamorpho
d. Black Canary
A popular meme features what green Muppet drinking a glass of tea, often used to passive aggressively judge people for doing things they’re not supposed to?
Kermit The Frog
Better Ingredients, Better Pizza
a. Pizza Hut
b. Little Creasers
c. Papa John's
Papa John's
In what country did the Olympic Games start?
a. Greece
b. Italy
c. France
d. Mexico
Poppy seeds, toasted sesame seeds, dried garlic, dried onion, and salt are the common mix of ingredients with what universal-sounding name of a seasoning?
a. Garlic Bread
b. onions only
c. everything seasoning
Everything seasoning
In which film did Margot Robbie first play Harley Quinn?
a. Pink Squad
b. Suicide Squad
c. Batman
d. Joker
Suicide Squad
TrUe Or FalSe?
CaPtIoNs For ThIs mEmE aRe NoRmAlLy WrItTeN wItH tHe LeTtErS LiKe ThIs?
What's in Your Wallet?
a. Bank of America
b. Capital One
c. Navy Federal
d. Wells Fargo
Capital one
What is the most populated city in the world?
a. Canada
b. Australia
c. Japan
d. Tokyo
What type of food is a peanut?
a. Legume
b. Vegetable
c. Fruit
'Just say the word’ is the tagline to which 2019 DC movie?
a. Joker
b. Batman
c. Shazam
d. Aquaman
Where is this meme from?
a. CSI
b. The Office
c. Criminal Minds
The Office
“You’re in good hands.”
a. Farmers Insurance
b. Sate Farmers
c. Mercury Insurance
d. Allstate
Israel and which other country border the Dead Sea?
a. Iran
b. Jordan
c. Syria
d. Lebanon
What is the only food that can never go bad?
a. Lemon
b. Honey
c. Salt
d. Sugar
What is the name of the town in which Clark Kent grew up?
a. Smallville
b. Katville
c. San Diego
Who is this women yelling at?
a. Cat
b. Dog
c. Zebra
d. Bear
“Is it in you?”
a. Powerade
b. Gnarly
c. Body Armor
d. Gatorade
How many countries does the Nile River pass through?
a. 9
b. 10
c. 8
d. 11
Which fruit resembles 60% of human DNA?
a. Apple
b. Strawberry
c. Bananas
d. Orange