What is August’s birthstone?

What is Peridot?

August Birthstone. Peridot, spinel and sardonyx are the three birthstones for August. The peridot birthstone is known for being formed under extreme conditions, as it can be found in the hardened lava that carried it from deep within Earth's mantle as well as in meteorites that traveled from outer space.



 What color is a polar bear’s skin?


What is Black?

Polar bears have white fur so that they can camouflage into their environment. Their coat is so well camouflaged in Arctic environments that it can sometimes pass as a snow drift. Interestingly, the polar bear's coat has no white pigment; in fact, a polar bear's skin is black and its hairs are hollow.


An Olympic gold medal is mostly comprised of what metal?

What is Silver?

Gold medals aren't actual gold. The International Olympic Committee requires that gold medals must be made of at least 92.5% silver, but also have about six grams of gold, so there is some. The silver medal is mostly silver and some iron while the bronze medal is mostly made of copper and with some zinc and iron.


What is it called when a bowler makes three strikes in a row?

What is a Turkey?

A turkey is bowling lingo for three strikes in a row. Probably, the most famous score for amateur and professional bowlers alike. This is partly due to the fact it has an unusual name, and partly because even a beginner can get one. The term dates back to before the turn of the 20th century.


How many dots are on the Domino's logo?

What is 3?
 The three dots on the logo represent the three stores Founder Tom Monaghan originally planned to open. Now there are 18,300 stores in more than 90 countries around the world! 


The song "Hey Jude" was written by Paul McCartney for whom?

Who is Julian?

"Hey Jude" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles, written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon-McCartney. The ballad evolved from "Hey Jules", a song widely accepted as being written to comfort John Lennon's son, Julian, during his parents' divorce.


How many sides does the Great Pyramid of Giza have?

What is 8?

Pyramids are usually 4 sides plus the base. However in 1940 a British Air Force pilot named P. Groves accidentally discovered the Great Pyramid of Giza to have 8 sides and not 4. All the 8 sides are visible only during spring and autumn equinox. 


Who sent Christopher Columbus to explore the New World?

Who is King Ferdinand of Spain?

In 1476 Columbus moved to Lisbon, Portugal, and for many years attempted to gain support for a journey he was planning to find new trade routes to the Far East. Eventually Ferdinand and Isabella, the King and Queen of Spain, agreed to finance him.


Which country was the first to give women the right to vote?

What is New Zealand?

New Zealand was the first self-governing country in the world in which all women had the right to vote in parliamentary elections; from 1893.


The classic 1877 novel “Black Beauty” is about what kind of animal?

What is a Horse?

Black Beauty, a handsome well-born, well-bred horse of the era before automobiles, narrates the story. He is initially owned by kind masters but is sold to successively crueler owners. Eventually he collapses from overwork and ill treatment, but in the end he is sold to another kind owner and recovers. 


What animal has long been associated with Budweiser?

What is a Horse?

The Budweiser Clydesdales refers to teams of Clydesdale horses used to pull restored turn-of-the-century beer wagons for Budweiser. They first appeared in 1933, given as a gift to the brewery's CEO from his son to celebrate the repeal of prohibition. Budweiser Clydesdales


By law every citizen of Kentucky must do what annually?

What is "Taking a Bath"?

That's the law. At least once a year, you must shower in Kentucky. For whatever the reason was, the strange laws in Kentucky government saw it best to make sure it's citizens were bathing at least once a year.


When did canada gave the women right to vote?

What is 1917?

The federal government granted limited war-time suffrage to some women in 1917 and followed with full suffrage in 1918, at least, granting it on same basis as men, that is, certain races and status were excluded from voting in federal elections prior to 1960.


What is illegal for chickens to do in Georgia?

What is "Cross the road"?

Believe it or not, there actually is a law in Quitman, Georgia, that pertains to chickens and their road-crossing ambitions. This quirky ordinance states that it's illegal for chickens to roam freely across the streets.


Native to the Carribean, what kind of animal is a Mountain Chicken?

What is a Frog?

What is a mountain chicken? Mountain chickens (Leptodactylus fallax) are one of the world's largest species of frog, sometimes growing to over 20 centimetres long and weighing up to a kilogram. 


What is the main ingredient in Bombay Duck?

What is a Fish?

Also called bummalo, this is not a duck at all, but a small dried fish from India and Bangladesh. The fish are landed then hung on racks on the beach to dry in the sun. In cooking, Bombay duck is usually heated in the oven or fried until it is crisp enough to be crumbled over stews and curries. 


How long is an eon?

What is a Billion Years?


At what temperature is Fahrenheit equal to Centigrade?

What is -40?
The two scales have different zero points, and the Celsius degree is bigger than the Fahrenheit. However, there is one point on the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales where the temperatures in degrees are equal. This is -40 °C and -40 °F.


Which major city is located on two continents?

What is Istanbul, Turkey?

Europe and Asia. 


Which creature never sleeps?

What is a Bullfrog?

Bullfrogs… No rest for the Bullfrog. The bullfrog was chosen as an animal that doesn't sleep because when tested for responsiveness by being shocked, it had the same reaction whether awake or resting. 


Which sculptor's work includes "The Thinker" and "The Age of the Braves?"


Who is Auguste Rodin?

Auguste Rodin is a French sculptor who is known as the "father of modern sculpture."


Who holds the record for winning the most Oscars?

What is Walt Disney?

With 22 Oscars, producer Walt Disney holds the record for the most wins; he was also the recipient of four special or honorary Academy Awards. Art director Cedric Gibbons is a distant second, with 11 Oscars, but he has a particularly close connection to the awards.


Who is the first (and only as of now) Disney princess to have a tattoo?

Who is Pocahontas?

Pocahontas is the second Disney princess to rescue her love interest. The first being Ariel. Pocahontas is currently the only Disney Princess to have a tattoo (the symbol on her right arm) and the only one to wear one outfit throughout her entire film. 


Which state of the USA has the Union Jack (British flag) on its flag?

What is Hawaii?

The Hawaiian state flag stands out from every other state flag in the United States. It is the only flag in the country to feature the Union Jack, which is a relic of a time when Hawaii was an ally of the British Empire. 


What animal has the highest blood pressure?

What is Giraffe?

The giraffe has one of the highest blood pressures of any mammal. It reaches pressures of up to 280/180 mm Hg, which is twice that found in humans (120/80 mmHg).