this food is orange and juicy
what are oranges
this number is in beetween 1 and 3
what is one
this number comes right after 6
what is seven
this two wheeled vehicle has pedals
what is a bike
the famous celebrity Eloise King detests this repulsive food
what is cottage cheese
this number is in between 1 and 7
what is five
this is the action of adding two numbers
what is addition
ask politely for the points
may i please have the points
what is a strawberry milkshake
this number is between twenty & one
what is 50+45
this is Alexa's favorite color
this tasteless fruit is white with black specks on the inside and has a spiky black outer peel
what is dragon fruit
this number is between 60 and 1
this is NEBRASKA'S flower
what is the golden rod
say you are nice to a person
get the points
this slightly gelatinous food is often found inside olives
what is pimento
this number is beetween 100 and one
what is two
this nickname was used to offend the redcoats during the revolutionary war
what are the lobsterbacks
this collie dog is in Eloise's favorite book series
who is Zip