What is the original meaning of the word "nice"?

What is "Foolish or Stupid"?

Five hundred years ago, when nice was first used in English, it meant "foolish or stupid." This is not as surprising as it may seem, since it came through early French from the Latin nescius, meaning "ignorant."


What produces the majority of the breathable air on earth?

What is World's Ocean?

Most of the Earth's breathable air comes from the oceans and land-based plants. Specifically, the vast majority (approximately 70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by phytoplankton in the world's oceans through photosynthesis. The remaining 30% is produced by plants on land.


What color are Mickey Mouse's shoes?

What is Yellow?


70% of cat's life do this

What is Sleeping?

According to Veterinary Hub , Cats actually spend 70% of their lives sleeping, which works out to around 13-16 hours a day. It's a cat's life!


What do you call the underside of a horse’s hoof?

What is a Frog?

The frog is a part of a horse hoof, located on the underside, which should touch the ground if the horse is standing on soft footing. The frog is triangular in shape, and extends midway from the heels toward the toe, covering around 25% of the bottom of the hoof. 


What title is the 1949 science fiction book by author George Orwell that describes a dystopian world in the future?

Clue: its a year

What is Nineteen Eighty-Four?

Nineteen Eighty-four, novel by English author George Orwell published in 1949 as a warning against totalitarianism. The novel's chilling dystopia made a deep impression on readers, and Orwell's ideas entered mainstream culture in a way achieved by very few books. 


Which animal has the strongest sense of smell?

What is an African Elephant?

AFRICAN ELEPHANTS. Elephants have an incredible sense of smell housed in their long trunks. In fact, it's believed that elephants have the strongest sense of smell out of all animals on the planet.

In a study of 13 mammals, African elephants were found to be superior sniffers, possessing the largest number of genes associated with smell — five times as many as humans and more than twice that of dogs. The findings support other research on the pachyderm's superior sense of smell.


What creature is known for having 32 brains?


What is a Leech?

Leech: The interior structure of a leech is divided into 32 different segments, each of which has its own brain.


How many facial expressions can a horse make?

What is 17?

Let's face it: When it comes to expressions, a horse is no one-trick pony. Recent findings have revealed that our equine friends use 17 discrete facial movements to communicate. That's 10 fewer than humans—but one more than dogs and four more than chimpanzees. 


What animal squirts blood from its eyes as a defensive mechanism?

What is a Horned Lizard?

As a last resort, horned lizards may use one final defense mechanism that's particularly effective against predators like bobcats, wolves, and coyotes. They shoot blood from their eye sockets! This usually frightens predators enough to make them flee. Fortunately for humans, horned lizards rarely shoot blood at people.


In one of the most popular Dr. Seuss books, what won't Sam-I-Am eat?

What is Green Eggs and Ham?



Which animal is known for spending 90 percent of its day sleeping?

What is a Koala?

Koalas are thickset arboreal marsupials with a thick grey fur. Found only living in Australia, they mainly live in the eucalyptus trees and spend around 22 hours of their time sleeping (90%). They spend the other 10% of their day eating and sitting around.


Which animal is known to plant thousands of trees across the world?

What is a Squirrel?

 The squirrel is considered as the animal for planting trees as they bury the seeds in the soil without eating them 

Squirrels plant a lot of trees… by accident. Yes, squirrels do forget where they bury their acorns 


What’s the loudest insect in the world?

What is a Cicada?

An African cicada, Brevisana brevis, is the Worlds loudest insect. Its loudest song is almost 107 decibels when measured at a distance of 20 inches (50 cm) away. Thats almost as loud as a chainsaw (110 decibels). Two North American cicada species are in close second with songs at 106 decibels. 


The Salad that turns 100 years old this year.

What is Caesar Salad?

Caesar salad has something to celebrate: It's turning 100. Italian immigrant Caesar Cardini is said to have invented the dish on July 4, 1924, at his restaurant, Caesar's Place, in Tijuana, Mexico.


What is the name of the first permanent English settlement in North America?


What is Jamestown, Virginia?

In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.


Which 4 sports are making their Olympic debut this summer?

What are Skateboarding, Sport climbing, Surfing and Breaking are four non-traditional sports that will be contested at the Paris Games. Breaking, also known as break dancing, is making its Olympic debut.


What do you call the new species of ants found in New York City?

What is ManhattAnt?

The ManhattAnt is found only within a 14-block section of New York City, and nowhere else on the planet. It's similar to a regular cornfield ant, but can't be matched to any other known ant species. Scientists believe that it evolved thanks to isolation within the concrete jungle.



The ‘girl in the polka dot dress’ was an eye witness in whose assassination?

Who is Robert F. Kennedy?

Set in the summer of 1968 the novel is based on the true story surrounding the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy where a woman wearing a polka dot is seen before and after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.


Which was the only painting sold by Vincent Van Gogh during his life?

What is The Red Vineyard?

The Red Vineyard is among Van Gogh's most dramatically coloured Provençal landscapes, but it is also famed for being the only painting that the artist is certain to have sold. It went for 400 francs (then £16) at a Brussels exhibition in March 1890, four months before his suicide.



What was the first message sent by morse code?

What is "What hath God wrought?"?

In 1843, Morse built a telegraph system from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore with the financial support of Congress. On May 24, 1844, the first message, “What hath God wrought?” was sent.

It can be translated as 'See what God has done! ' This text was the first, original phrase that Samuel Morse typed in his newly invented single-wire telegraph in the 1930s  


What company was initially known as "Blue Ribbon Sports"?


What is Nike?

Nike, originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS), was founded by University of Oregon track athlete Phil Knight and his coach, Bill Bowerman, on January 25, 1964.



Aureolin is shade of what color

What is Yellow?

Aureolin (sometimes called cobalt yellow) is a pigment sparingly used in oil and watercolor painting. Its color index name is PY40 (40th entry on list of yellow pigments). 


How do honeybees communicate to one another that they’ve found the best pollen?


What is "dance"?

In order to communicate what they've found and where it is, they dance: 'round dances' and 'waggle dances'. The 'round dance' signals to their nest-mates that there is a lucrative pollen area nearby. The 'waggle dance' tells them exactly where it is; how far to go and in what direction the nest mates need to fly. 


In Swedish, a skvader is a rabbit with what unusual feature?

What is "Wings"?

A skvader is an avian lagomorph; essentially, a rabbit with bird wings. Traditionally, they have been described as resembling a cross between a rabbit and a wood grouse, but this is likely due to a famous taxidermy hoax that was a tourist attraction prior to The First Word War.