A Soldier fails to attend a PME (no-show). He is now ready to attend. What do you need for him/her to be eligible to attend the course? Who is the approving authority?
The approving authority to get a Soldier back-on an NCOPD roster after failing to arrive (or failing out) is the 1st General Officer (>= O7).
- If No-show: Work with your Soldier to fill out a MFR (Memorandum for Record, which documents conversations) about why the Soldier couldn't attend, and a 4187 (form for getting Soldiers into schools).
- If failed out: Begin 4187 and start documenting progress in a counseling to identify steps to train the Soldier up to NCOPDS standards. Continue training until the Soldier becomes eligible again (teach them what you learned from your own NCOPDS).
Soldiers with a GT score of less than 110 should be referred to what?
BSEP - Soldiers with a GT less than 100 are normally automatically eligible. Soldiers with a GT between 100 and 110 may be command referred.
What is the purpose of an NCOER (Noncommissioned Officer evaluation report)?
To provide the Department of the Army with a performance and potential assessment of a rated NCO to be used for school selection / promotion / assignments / MOS classification / CSM designation
What is the regulation that covers training and what is the latest release?
ADP 7-0; Apr 2024
What are the four fundamentals of marksmanship?
Your soldier attends an NCOPDS (BLC, ALC, etc...) and fails out because they were not capable of completing the assignments. What do you do?
I spend the six months until they are eligible again training the soldier on the assignments they could not complete and working with the schools NCO and my CoC to ensure my soldier gets another chance at the NCOPDS when they are ready.
What are the four stages of counseling process
Identify the need for counseling.
Prepare for counseling.
Conduct the counseling session.
What are the TWO forms used for the NCOER?
2166 - 8 NCO Evaluation Report
2166-8-1 NCO Counseling and Support Form
Units train on three elements to achieve proficiency
-Mission-essential task (MET) proficiency.
-Weapons qualification.
-Collective live-fire task proficiency.
Name the different categories of malfunctions on the M16/A2.
What regulation covers the ACES?
AR 621-5
How to conduct the counseling session (formal and informal):
Open the session. • Elicit the subordinate’s perspective. • Discuss the differences in the perspectives and leader provides a summary of the issues. • Develop a plan of action. • Close the session. • Document the session.
Who does the Rating Chain consist of?
Rated NCO
Senior Rater
Who is the primary trainer
the Commander
What are the 8 steps in the functioning of the M16/A2 rifle?
What are some of the basic services offered by the Army Continuing Education Center?
1. Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP)
2.Advanced Skills Education Program (ASEP)
3. High School Completion Program
4. Service members Opportunity Colleges Associates Degree Program (SOCAD)
5. Veteran's Educational Assistance Program (VEAP)/Montgomery G. I. Bill (MGIB)
6. Skill Recognition Programs
7. Command Language Programs (Head start - Gateway)
8. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
9. Education Counseling Services
10. Learning Resource Centers
What publication covers Army Counseling?
ATP 6-22.1
List the SEVEN types of NCOER's?
Change of Rater
Relief for Cause
Complete the Record
60 Day Rater Option
60 Day Senior Rater Option
Temporary Duty, Special Duty, or Compassionate Reassignment
What is the NCOs role of training
NCOs set the foundation for Army training. They train Soldiers, crews, and small teams to be battle ready. They provide crucial input and advice to the commander on what is trained and how it is trained. This ensures the organization trains on its most important tasks down to the individual Soldier.
NCOs— Maintain responsibility for Soldier and small-unit training proficiency.
Identify and train Soldier, crew, and small-team tasks.
Help identify and prioritize unit collective tasks that support unit METs.
Train and enforce task standards.
Continually focus training on sustaining strengths and improving weaknesses.
Develop junior NCOs and help officers develop junior officers.
Provide timely and objective training advice to their officers.
Assist in planning, resource coordination, support, risk management, supervision, and evaluation of training.
What is the FM concerning the M4 Rifle?
FM 3-22.9
What Soldier development programs does ACES provide?
1. Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST).
2. High School Completion Program.
3. English-as-a-Second Language (ESL)
4. Mission-related Language (Head start and Gateway).
5. Mission-required Language.
6. MOS Improvement Training (MOSIT).
What is the purpose of unit training?
To build and maintain ready units
What are the SIX categories under part 4 - Army Values / Attributes / Skills / Actions?
Army Values
Physical Fitness and Military Bearing
Responsibility and Accountability
What are the principles of unit training?
Train to standard
Train to sustain
Train to maintain
Train as you will fight
Describe the ranges for the M4 Rifle.
Maximum range- 3,600 meters
Max Effective Range for a Point Target- 500 meters
Max Effective Range for a Area Target- 600 meters