Around the World
Sports (60% football)
Song Lyrics
High-School Trivia (all multiple choice)

The United States is the ______ biggest country by land mass.



TRUE or FALSE: After completing recent renovations, the Lighthouse at Gilette Stadium is now the tallest lighthouse in the world.

False, not in the world but it is the tallest lighthouse in the United States at 218 Feet.


Name all of the planets in our solar system.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune


Must get title (NO ARTIST)

"A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"

The ABC's


Animal Farm, a popular high school reading assignment written by George Orwell, is a metaphorical telling of what historical event?

A. The Russian Revolution

B. The Australian war on emus 

C. The French Revolution

D. The American Revolution

A. The Russian Revolution


NYC has the Metro…Boston has the T…London has _________.

The London Underground / The Tube


Sara played basketball for what college?



Astronauts often claim that space smells like _______.

Burnt Steak / Metallic / Burnt Metal


Must get title and artist:

“…Even though my life before was tragic, Now I know my love for her goes on”

Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, The Police


Which Shakespearean play “lays it’s scene” in “fair Verona”?

A. Hamlet

B. A Midsummer Nights Dream

C. Othello

D. Romeo and Juliet

D. Romeo and Juliet


Name of the small archipelago of islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean controlled by Portugal.

The Azores 

Madeira would also be an acceptable answer 


By winning the super bowl last year the Kansas City Chiefs became the first team to achieve this feat since the best team ever (New England Patriots) did in the early 2000’s.  

Winning two super bowls in a row


What country achieved putting the first human in space?



Must get title and artist

“If everything could ever feel this real forever…[sick drum fill]...If anything could ever be this good again”

Everlong, Foo Fighters


What was the United States’ codename for the Atomic Bomb project in the 1940’s led by Oppenheimer?

A. Operation Cucumber

B. Operation Neptune Spear

C. The Manhattan Project

D. Operation Overlord

C. The Manhattan Project


To see the world-famous Duomo, Trevi Fountain, Almafi Coast, and Palatine Hill, one must visit which country?



A 7-10 split is an unfortunate, yet able-to-be-overcome situation in which sport?



TRUE or FALSE – Mercury orbits the sun faster than it spins once on its axis, making one Mercurian DAY longer than one Mercurian YEAR.

True- A Mercurian day is about 2x the duration of a Mercurian year!


Must get title and artist:

“Annie are you OK? So, Annie are you OK? Are you OK Annie?”

Smooth Criminal -- Michael Jackson


300 Spartans bravely fought against 100,000+ Persians in the battle of _______.

A. Thermopylae

B. Troy

C. The Somme

D. Oikos

A. Thermopylae


What is the name of the currency in Iceland? (Hint, not Euro)

ISK (Icelandic Krona)


Who is the greatest quarterback to ever play football and will be idolized for generations to come?

Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr. 


How many moons does Mars have? (hint more than one) Double points for their names.

2 Moons : Phobos and Deimos


Must get title and artist:

“Cause the boy with the cold hard cash is always Mr. Right…Cause we are living in a…”

Material Girl -- Madonna


What occurred that created a snowball of events and ultimately kicked off World War One?

A. Germany invades Poland

B. Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

C. D- Day

D. Declaration of Independence is Signed

B. Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated