What is the popular game where you hatch pets, and roleplay.
Adopt Me
What color is sus in all memes for no reason.
Wat is 1+1x1
2, if you were wrong, I’m disappointed and taking a point away.
What do the Teen Titans like to eat that is triangle and cheesy?
Pizza my dudes.
How many fingers does Esmie have in total.
10, it’s not a trick question.
What game is a obby tower that lots of people rage on?
Tower of HECK
What is the minimum and max imposters you can have.
1 & 3.
What youtuber calls his viewers rats and idiots and screams.
What is esmie brothers name.
Ezekiel (idc how you spelt it, as long as you had the right idea)
What game has a murderer and sherif?
Murder Mystery. I hope you got this one.
What is the minimum crewmates you can have.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
As much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck Could chuck wood.
When is the day we went into quarantine?
March 13.
How much robux does it cost to get a group?
What are the three maps?
Skeld, Mira HQ, Polus
782737392 / 0
You can’t do this.
What dog has short legs, big booty, and is said as a royal dog for the queen of England?
A corgi.
How many quarters make a dollar and fifty cents?
How much robux is the city life woman head?
What’s the most fun role?
Imposter, if you don’t think so I’m sad.
What animal is clarabelle in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
A cow.
Ayo guys, can I get an Owa Owa for the Jeopardy Game?