Capital Cities in TV
Billboard top 100! (But not in English)
Celebrities and Memes
Famous Nicknames

We can share a crêpe sucrée, and how do I look in this beret?" These were some of the lines Isabella sang to Phineas. A song whose title is also the nickname of this city. 

What is Paris 


What a Gazelle might be to a lion or what a priest does (or should do) everyday.

What is: Pray/Prey 


Reaching number 1 Luis Fonsi and Justin Beiber got together for this song which is also means slowly. 

What is Despacito 


Kanye West had an interview regarding celebrity endorsements go famous after questioning Lady Gaga about her knowledge on this product

What is polaroid 


"Be honest" is what this famously nicknamed 2000's popstar's husband told her when she stated that she came from a working class family. 

Who is Posh or Posh Spice


Yoon Se-Ri finds herself leaning on Captain Ri in field after their train blacks out and gets delayed on their way to this capital city 

What is Peyongyang 


This Asian capitals name sounds like a Pixar film about a certain pianist desperate to get to his gig. 

What is Seoul? 


This song which peaked at number 4 in 2022 also shares a name with a famous cocktail. 

What is Moscow Mule 


Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson had a trending sound on Tik Tok after a clip from this movie was released. If you don't answer correctly I'm not your brah

What is Zoolander


Retired now this leader had the Nickname "Mutti" which is the German word for "Mummy" because of her mother like demeanour 

Who is Angela Merkel 


In Spiderman far from home Tom Holland wakes up in a jail cell in this city. Funny as his surname is a reigon in this country too. 

What is the Netherlands 


Typically filled out in Excel, but they could also represent an action that a vendor might take

What is: Cell or Sell


A boy has a lot of this, in this boybands 2019 hit with Halsey that reached number 8 on the charts. 

What is boy with luv 


This influencer went viral after addressing a fan as "drated" in a shoutout video. She also featured in lil' Mosesy's Blueberry Faygo 

Who is Addison Rae


JFK, who was famous for his good looks briefly dated this 60's starlet who popped out of a cake and sang at his birthday. 

Who is Maralyn Monroe 


In Modern Family, Cameron and Mitchell fled to this capital city after learning that the biological mother of their adopted child wanted to keep the baby.

What is London


Mega, Giga, and Tera are preceded by this word... which Snow White also did.

What is: Byte, Bite 


There were 99 of these in Nenas famous 1983 song that peaked at number 2 on the billboards top 100

What is 99 red balloons 


This famous business man turned politician had a famous meme going around after he went on the Joe Rogan podcast and did something that you'd probably see on a lads trip to Amsterdam. 

Who is Elon Musk 


Known for being the first female prime minister in the United Kingdom this nickname was conjured up by a soviet journalist who found this former Prime Ministers style uncompromising. (Fun fact my sister is named after her)  

What is The Iron Lady?


In la casa de papel (Money Heist) Denver, is shocked when he sees his childhood friend join their heist. Her chosen code name? The capital city to a tropical south certain east asian country.

What is Manila


Michael Jackson famously said to ___ it, because nobody wants to be defeated, but you could also enjoy some of this extract in selected vitamin water flavours! 

What is beat/beet


After Gangnam style Psy came out with another song that peaked at number 5 on the billboard top 100. He says he is a mother father and _________

What is gentleman? 

The word "entanglement" became a meme after this famous celebrity "power-couple" addressed some pretty serious rumours. 
Who is Jada and Will Smith

In an interview this tennis player stated his childhood name was: Rögi, not super creative huh? 

Who is Roger Federer