Where did Mr. Foster go for High School?
AND which sport was he all-state in 3 years in a row?
GRACE ACADEMY and baseball
The Olympics are held every how many years?
How many Harry Potter movies are there?
Physical Therapist
Double Jeopardy!!! Who is the 16th president?
Abraham Lincoln
Double Jeopardy!!!! Name two states that start with "C"
California, Colorado, Connecticut (two of them is required)
DOUBLE JEOPARDYYYYY!!!! Which sport brings in the money in all of the world?
DOUBLE JEOPARDYYYY!!! Who sings Party in the USA?
Miley Cyrus
Who does Foster consider his favorite fictional character?
Winnie the Pooh Bear
Which athlete had a nickname of The Answer?
Allen Iverson
What day is Star Wars day?
May 4th
What is Mr. Foster's and his wife bucket list.
Visit all the MLB Ballparks!
From which minor league team did someone strikeout Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth?
Chattanooga Lookouts
Jackie Mitchell
Who recently started attending Kansas City Chiefs games?
Taylor Swift
Who does Foster consider his favorite family member in this family?
How long is a marathon race?
26.2 miles
Name the top 3 grossing comedy shows of all time
The Office