Fill in the blank:
The _______________ is what Krishna says to Arjuna.
What is Bagavathgeetha
What day is Christmas typically celebrated?
Dec 25
What is the day we celebrate New Years in America?
(*Bonus* does everyone in America celebrate it at the exact same time, right+50, you don't loose points)
Jan First
What is the third planet from the sun?
What is Earth?
In athletics, is the long jump a track or field event?
What are the two main Ancient Indus River civilizations?
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
When does boxing day come around Christmas?
It comes after Christmas, Dec 26
On New Year's Eve people make ______________.
How many months have 31 days?
Which animals are shown on the Australian 50cent piece?
emu and kangaroo
By where is Harappa located?
(Hint: give me the river name)
Indus River
What does "Santa" keep in stockings for bad kids.
What is blown off on new year's eve? hint: ka boom!
What is the sum of the first three odd numbers?
What are you doing if you take 40 winks?
What is are the two main epics?
(*bonus* give me an important detail from both epics, earn 50pts)
Ramayana and Mahabharatam
*Bonus* answer may vary
what is the most popular type Christmas tree people use?
What is Fraser Fir
Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the new year for what religion?
In netball, what do the letters GA stand for?
(DON'T over think it)
Goal Attack
What sport uses the heaviest ball?
Ten pin bowling
What is the most famous river in India?
Ganges or Ganga River
Why is Christmas Eve celebrated?
To commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Marks the end of the Advent season, the period of preparation for Christmas.
(Answers may vary)
What do black eyed peas resemble?
How many sides does a dodecahedron have?
What starts with 'T', ends with 'T' and is filled with 'T'?