Name one song about Portugal.
The National Anthem (answer varies)
What country is south of the united states.
What is the name of the actor who played Harry Potter?
Daniel Radcliffe
True or false. Gum was created by accident
Who is the Prime minister of the UK?
Boris Johnson
Name two British towns/ cities which begin with B.
Burnley, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Brighton etc (two of them is required)
Who was Julius Caesar?
A Roman Empire. 8D
What's the pronoun in this sentence? (Mary was so happy she jumped up and down)
Name two of the Queen's children.
Charles, Andrew, Anne, Edward.
What is a corkscrew?
Something for opening bottles of wine.
What planet shares the name of the God of water.
What is Sarah's dog called?
What's the largest ocean?
The Pacific Ocean.
If you went to Sarah's home in England and asked for a brew, what would you get?
A cup of tea or coffee
What does the English flag look like?
It is white with a red cross.
The stars and stripes on our flag stand for what?
50 stars for our states, 13 stripes for the 13 colonies.
Define peninsula. (Florida is a peninsula.)
Land with water on all sides but one.
Galileo proved that the earth was not the center of our solar system, but _____ is.
The sun.
The tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, is in what mountain chain?
The Himalayas.