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It is because when the great depression happened, it cost more to pay men to be teachers than men.

Why are most teachers women?


He made many songs that are popular. He started out with his brothers in a band. Then he started a solo career and soon rose to fame.

Who was Michael Jackson?


It comes from a big company and it is sticky. Some people may say yummy, while others don't. Some put it on apples.

What is caramel?


It is a natural crisis and is not something to be played around with. It is caused by green house gases and will have a lot of consequences, such as droughts, floods, and more.

What is global warming?


She helped win women the right to vote, but died before an amendment was passed about women's' right to vote. 

Who was Susan B. Anthony?


It talks about a boy who makes his way to Santa on a train.

What is the Polar Express?


He is on the $100 bill and he made a couple of books. He also participated in a very important event.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


It is where you study and learn. It was created by Horace Mann. 

What is school?


It was a big ship, nick-named the unsinkable ship, but sadly did not live up to its name, causing the lives of about 2,200 people.

What is the titanic?


He helped in the American independence and is a vital leader to America. 

Who was George Washington?


It turns salt water into clean water that people can use, but at the same time also affects our environment and hurts animals.

What is desalination?


He was a major baseball player. He was treated unfairly, but through it all, he made it. He made his name known to all!

Who was Jackie Robinson?


It is very important. It sucks in carbon dioxide, or what other people like to say, green house gases and it brings in oxygen to our earth.

What are trees?


It is red and was an important symbol in a big Disney movie.

What is a rose?

A republican, lawyer, and more! He had many jobs before he became president! He helped connect the seceded states to North America again! 

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


It is a mix of yellow and blue.

What is the color green?


She started out skipping grades, and jumping to high school at only 10. She saved some people throughout her career and there is a movie about her and two other women. 

Who was Katherine Johnson?


It has fast food. Hamburgers, French fries, and more. It's cheap and fast. Fun fact about it: It was actually stolen from Ray Crocs. 

What is McDonalds?


It was a song that was used in The Lion King to express how two lions felt that night.

What is Can you feel the love tonight?


He is a millionaire who was also a great impersonator. He posed as a pilot, doctor, and attorney. He was a great check forger and was infamous, 'till the police caught him. He then became rich, telling apart real checks from forged checks, and went on to become a millionaire and famous.

Who was Frank Abagnale Jr.?


It is the source of life and every living thing needs it to live. Without it, there would be no life.

What is water?


It is beautiful, and not something you see everyday. It has 8 colors, and only comes out after a rainy day.

What is a rainbow?


It's color is a mix of yellow and orange. It comes from volcanoes and is mined.

What is sulfur?


They were an advanced society and had 60 cities. They had one ruler per city and had a highly developed writing system.

Who were the Mayans?


They are not insects, but they might trick you into thinking they are insects. It also makes webs.

What is a spider?