what is our address
9023 Red Sky Lane
What is this type of dog
A corgi
What is this logo
What type of animal is this?
A zebra
What type of food is this?
What is Harrisons School and Madicyns School
Harrison= Meadow Lane Elementary School Madicyn= Culler Middle School
What is this type of dog
A Dachshund
what is this logo?
What type of animal is this?
An Elaphent
What type of food is this?
Caramel Apples
when is Roos Birthday?
Christmas day!
what is this type of dog
A pug
what is this logo?
what type of animal is this?
A cheetah
What type of food is this?
200 free points
100 free points
what is this tipe of dog.
A golden Retreiver
what is this logo?
What type of animal is this?
A Red Panda
What type of food is this?
What are all the families middle names
Mom= Elan Dad= Roland Harrison=Miles Madicyn=Claire
what is this type of dog?
A pitbull
what is this logo?
What type of animal is this?
A Camal
What type of food is this?
A kanoli