Lockdown/Code Pink
Code Red
Code 44/Code Blue
Random Security
More Random Security

ED Lockdown may be made by who?

Attending Physician, Charge Nurse, or Security Supervisor


What does RACE stand for?

Rescue, Alarm, Contain, and Evacuate


What is a Code 44?

Medical Emergency of a staff member or visitor. Patients can not be a Code 44.


If you find a credible suspicious package, what steps should you take?

Leave package in place, Remove people from the immediate area, evacuate using fire evacuation routes, (horizontal if possible), and Open doors and windows until told to close them.


What are the two types of Evidence for collection? 

Foreign Body and Clothing/Personal Items


Who should be notified of an Lockdown situation

Admin On Call, Nursing Supervisor, Security Director and Manager


What does PASS stand for?

Pull, Aim, squeeze, and Sweep


What is a Code Blue?

                                                                     (Cardio-Pulmonary alerts) and stroke events.



What are the search levels when looking for a suspicious item.

Floor to waist, waist to chin, to ceiling, and false ceiling.


After how many days are lost items and evidence destroyed? 

After 60 days. "Items of evidential value will be verified through Law Enforcement or DA's Office with appropriate jurisdiction."  


If a infant abduction is suspected, what information will be broadcasted over the radio?

Description of patient, Description of the abductor (if known), Direction of travel and other information.


After arriving on scene where the alarm is coming from, what should you report to ECC after your 10-23 traffic?

If smoke or fire is visible. 


List the locations of the Code 44 Carts.

Ground Reynolds (spine area), 5 Cancer Center, 7 Janeway Tower, 4 Ardmore Tower West, (Cath Lab Lobby), E. Hanes Bldg. Ground Sticht Center


Where are the areas containing radiation sources? Note; these areas require armed officer response if alarm activation occurs.



                                                                      Hanes Building Room B004 (Irradiator)
Dean Research Building Room 064 (Irradiator)  Blood Bank, North Tower (Irradiator)

BioTech Building, Room 02E (Irradiator)
Cancer Center, Room 1625 (Gamma Knife)




What basic information should be included in all reports and investigations?

Who, What, Where, When and Why


When confirmation of an abduction has been made,Emergency Communications will do what?                      



Notify law enforcement and make administrative notifications defined by checklists to include both Security Administration and Risk Management.

Activate designated door controls to minimize egress from campus facilities                                                   




If evacuation is needed, how is that conducted? 

Horizontally (to the nearest exit) and vertically (to the structure’s closest exit point).                  




Where are the Zoll defibrillators located that are needed for Code Blues? 

Sub Basement North Tower (ECC), Grnd. Sticht Center with Code 44 cart, 5 Cancer Center with Code 44 Cart, 


What are the 2 times periods allowed for notary response. Critical Notary and Standard Notary

10 minutes for Critical Notaries, i.e. IVC

20 minutes for HPOA's, Affidavits, etc..


What is a High Risk Patient?  (two part answer)

Patients who poses a risk to the safety of themselves, other patients, visitors or staff. 

Any patient who has been physically abused or in cases where there is a reasonable suspicion of such abuse.




Who will provide instructions and information to the parents of a suspected infant/child?

Nursing Staff and Risk Management


What should we remember regarding security of patients during alarm activations? It relates to some secure areas?

Some doors will release, making them open to possible patient elopements.


When returning the Zoll defibrillator, what should you make sure of before leaving it? 

It must be plugged into a Red Outlet and the green light is showing that the device is charging. 


List the attendance steps for corrective action under the Atrium policy for a 4 day work week. (Our work schedule)

5-Occurrences, Verbal Advisory

7-Occurrences, Written Advisory

9-Occurrences, Final Written Advisory

11- Termination

Please note, Leadership and Human Resources can "Escalate or skip levels based on circumstances or actions". 


What 3 things are used to determine a high risk patient?

 Knowledge of the patient’s prior behavior. 

Admission from a psychiatric unit/agency for a specific diagnosis related to unsafe behavior.    

 Behavior exhibited while a patient.

*T-Rag Assessment Tool, no longer used for Abuse Cases. Adolescent Psych will require an Officer when visitation is present.