In 2019 this Rick Riordan title guy—”& the Olympians”, too—spent week 500 on the children’s series list, & that’s no myth
Who is Percy Jackson?
This is the name of the fictional African country in the movie "Black Panther."
What is Wakanda?
The Whomping Willow does its whomping on the grounds of this castle
What is Hogwarts?
In "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark," Indiana Jones suffers from ophidiophobia, a fear of this animal.
What are snakes?
Daisy Buchanan’s cousin, he narrates “The Great Gatsby”
Who is Nick Carraway?
In “The Empire Strikes Back,” Han Solo memorably says this to Princess Leia after she confesses to love him.
What is "I know."
This Narnian lion appears in several other forms, including a lamb
Who is Aslan?
Katniss and Peeta attempt to poison themselves with this in "The Hunger Games."
What is Nightlock?
After this title character accepts Rochester’s proposal, lightning splits a chestnut tree at Thornfield Hall
Who is Jane Eyre?
In “The Lord of the Rings,” there are this many Rings of Power in total.
What is 20?