What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
What animal can't jump?
An elephant.
What is the cat family name? (Dog=Canine)
What is the only food that can never go bad?
Which bird is a symbol of peace?
The dove.
What does "As an apple to an oyster" mean?
Two unlike things or people.
About how much water do glaciers and icebergs hold of the world's freshwater?
69% (3 lower or higher also counts.)
What is the shortest complete sentence in English?
I am.
If you have Mageirocophobia, what are you afraid of?
What bird can fly backward?
The hummingbird.
What was Discord originally called?
Bonfire; It was meant to be nice and cosy.
How fast was the fastest gust of wind? (___ miles per hour.)
253 miles per hour.
The Mona Lisa has no ___.
Mozzarella cheese is traditionally made from the milk of what animal?
Water buffalo.
What bird has the largest wingspan?
A Wandering Albatross.
Water closet.
Where is the best place to see rainbows?
Which desert has snow?
What type of food holds the world record for being the most stolen around the globe?
Through what part of the body do dogs sweat?
Their paw pads.
What is the Greek name of Bellona?
North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy ____.
Colombia's brightest rainbow is where?
In its river.