What Scandinavian civilization was known for reading and pillaging other European nations?
Who are the Vikings
Who, in my grade, is the most famously known for being zesty?
Who is Riley Zesty
How many wives did King Henry the 8th have?
What is 6
Who is Yenny dating
Who is Eden
What does “Rizz” mean
What is charisma
Who was the most famous Spanish sailor, who founded the Caribbean Islands while looking for India?
Who is Christopher Columbus
Who, in my grade, is known for being zesty, and his last name rhymes with a fruit?
Who is Ben Strauber
Who was the only wife of King Henry VIII’s survived
Who is Catherine Parr
Who was known as the weird kid last year, who lashed out at many kids who said that dinosaurs weren’t real
Who is Liam Michener
What does “Gyat” mean
What is a big dairy air
What area of North America did John Cabot find?
What is Newfoundland (Canada is also correct)
Who, that tormented me through Elementary school, just this year came out as gay?
Who is Nick Byrne
What is a protestant
A Christian who wants to reform the Catholic Church, or get rid of its corruption
Who was just recently caught with bloodshot eyes at Gym class by Chris Uzar?
Who is Braden Fraley
What does “aura” mean
The general atmosphere or energy given off by someone, often declined when you have neg aura
Who was the first person who’s crew to sailed around the world? He was killed in the Philippines.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan
Who, that is a friend of mine, has a bad speech impediment, has a strange amount of confidence when talking to women, and is known for being zesty?
Who is JD
Who invented the printing press?
Who is Martin Luther
Say the words, “I like big black oily dudes”, and you get 400 points
What does “sigma” mean?
Sigma means a greater level of alpha male
What was Vasco De Gama known for?
Finding the first all-water route to India
Who, that is black, came out as gay last year?
Who is Aiden Boyer
If a church had this on a sign, what old this be defined as? “If you donate $25.00, you will go to Heaven.”
What is indulgence
Who did Respect Girl date for 3 years, who broke up last year even though they are both idiots
Who is Ashton
What is “Skibidi Toilet”
A meme made by YouTuber, “Dafuqboom” that consisted of a toilet monster singing an annoying song