Near Miss/Unsafe Condition
woodshop terminology
wind turbine
woodshop tools

An incident in the workplace that did not result in injury, illness, or damage, but had the potential to do so, and is considered a warning to improve safety measures.

What is a near miss?


 The RAMF asks for the identification of this kind of location, which is where students and staff should gather in case of an emergency, like a fire alarm.

What is a muster point?


This tool is used to remove excess adhesive from joints and surfaces during glue-ups in woodwork projects.

What is a glue scraper?


 This component of a wind turbine is responsible for converting the rotational energy of the blades into electrical energy.

What is the generator?


This safety device is used to push stock through a table saw or router table while keeping fingers away from the cutting blade.

What is a push stick?


This refers to any condition that could potentially lead to injury or damage due to not following safety standards.

What is an unsafe condition?


The RAMF recommends this human performance tool, which involves one person verifying another's actions for accuracy or compliance, to enhance teamwork and safety.

What is a Peer Check?


This versatile tool in woodworking can measure and mark both 90 and 45-degree angles.

What is a combination square?


This is the name of the mechanism that turns the nacelle and the rotor to face into the wind, maximizing efficiency.

What is the yaw control?


This woodworking machine uses a vertically mounted blade that can be used to make intricate cuts and curves.

What is a band saw?


This type of risk involves potential harm from exposed wiring, faulty equipment, or an arc flash.

What is an electrical hazard?


If your task involves potential risks such as loud machinery or working at heights, this type of gear, like earplugs or safety harnesses, must be specified to ensure student safety.

What is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)?


This cylindrical rod is used in woodworking to join pieces of wood together in a discreet and secure manner.

What is a dowel?


This measurement unit is commonly used to describe the power output of a wind turbine.

What is a megawatt?


This power tool in the woodshop is used for smoothing surfaces quickly and is often hand-held.

What is a power sander?


This workplace risk could stem from extreme temperatures, insufficient lighting, or other environmental factors.

What is an environmental hazard?


This human performance tool involves critical thinking and a willingness to ask questions to challenge presumptions and avoid mistakes, essential for upholding safety in situations with potential hazards.

What is a Questioning Attitude?


This drill bit is used to prepare for screws and bolts, ensuring they can be inserted without splitting the wood.

What is a pilot hole bit?


The primary braking system for the wind turbine.

What is the blades?


 This machine in the woodshop is used for making straight cuts and is known for its ability to handle large pieces of wood.

What is a table saw?


 this safety culture approach stresses the importance of everyone's involvement and anticipatory actions over merely responding to incidents as they occur.

What is a proactive safety culture?


This error precursor refers to a psychological state that can adversely affect a student's performance and attention to safety, possibly leading to increased errors in the workshop.

What is Stress?


This type of drill bit is used to create a conical hole that allows the head of a screw to sit flush with, or below, the surface of the wood.

What is a countersink bit?


Perched atop the tower, this component contains the gearbox, main bearing, and generator is called what?

What is the nacelle?


This type of drill in the woodshop is mounted on a fixed stand and is known for its precision in making vertical holes.

What is a drill press?