what two natural spawning blocks fall
sand and gravel
how do you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
peanut butter and jelly and bread
another day another...
victory for the OG
what item allows you to fly
how do you make a ham sandwich
ham and bread
hey doc you want some ice cream...
only a spoonful
how do you make pizza
sauce, cheese, crust, toppings
There is a meme from a 1960s cartoon of three different versions of what Marvel superhero pointing at each other? It was recreated in a 2018 animated film and referenced in promotional material for a 2021 film.
what is the correct way to eat a bagel
slice in half put jelly on one slice and cream cheese on another then eat together
What is the somewhat-logical term for the internet prank and meme in which an unexpected appearance of the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up" is "planted" into an unrelated link? The meme's popularity dates back to 2008.
how many organs are there used to make a human
Which dino appeared in the prehistoric philosophical advice animal meme from the mid-2000s?