What did Nintendo release the new Super Mario Maker 2 on?
What is the Nintendo Switch?
Which Pokemon is Ash's partner?
Who is Pikachu?
Are Salem and Melaney friends?
What is yes?
What is my address?
Im not telling you that.
What is my sister's name?
Who is Hannah?
What is the two modes you can start with in Super Mario Odyssey?
Assist Mode & Normal Mode.
Can Johnathan be annoying sometimes?
Are Kishore and Jacob friends?
YES. (if you answered no you will go to -10,000
What is my favorite video game?
A. Mario Kart.
B. Super Mario Odyssey.
C. Let's GO Pikachu.
What is Let's GO Pikachu?
What is my brother's name?
What company made Super Mario Odyssey?
Who is the best at Ga-Ga ball?
Who is Thor?
Which Pokemon video game came first?
What is Pokemon Firered and Leafgreen?
Are trees pigs and pigs trees?
wait, what?
Who is the Electric Rodent Pokemon?
Who is Pikachu?
what is the only card you can play while being affected by Computer Virus?
What is Ethan Computer Expert?
Are humans cows and cows are humans or are cows just cows?
Witch Pokemon is Pokedex number 808?
What is Meltan?
In Super Mario Odyssey, what is Mario's companion's name?
What is Cappy?
What r/ usually contains this: dthvbgiuyhjrghiuyhgfbvuyjgbvuejhg
TRUE OR FALSE:Did Ethan help me develop try not to die?
What is true?
Who was the first Pokemon?
Who is Rhydon?
DOUBLE POINTS FOR THIS QUESTION: What grade is Quinten in?
What is seventh grade?
why was godzilla made
to express feelings about nuclear weapons
Who is the director of this school?
Who is Ms. Angie?