Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
New York
Trivia Question: What is the capital of the United States?
Washington D.C
Trivia Question: "We don't talk about _____?"
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a spider have?
Answer: 8
Trivia Question: What is our school mascot?
What is the state bird?
Trivia Question: How many continents are there on Earth?
Trivia Question: How many days in a year?
Trivia Question: What type of animal is a cross between a beaver and a duck?
Trivia Question: Name all of the fourth grade teachers
Mrs. Finucan, Ms. Mead, Mrs. Donart and Mrs. Buell
What is the national flower?
The Rose
How many states are in the USA?
Trivia Question: What is the color of an emerald?
Trivia Question: How many arms does a starfish have?
Trivia Question: Who is the superintendent of Mauston School District?
Mr. Heesch
What are the four Presidents on Mount Rushmore?
Washington, Roosevelt, Lincoln and Jefferson
What is the capital of Wisconsin?
Trivia Question: What is a doe?
A female deer
Trivia Question: Which sea animal has tentacles that sting?
Trivia Question: What is the principal's name?
Mrs. Steele
How many countries are there in the World?
What is the largest state in the USA?
Trivia Question: How many colors are in a pack of regular M&M's?
6: Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow and Dark Brown
Trivia question: What is the largest animal in the ocean?
Blue Whale
Who is the best third grade teacher?
Ms. Schultz