“Plant Based”
Number Song!
R to X
Double meaning?
Famous clothing

Known for her older sister’s volunteering, this female character from the popular book series turned movie series is named for a flowering plant with the scientific name of “Primula”.

Who is Primrose Everdeen?


“I don’t know about you…” song

What is 22?


You might tell someone to do this if they are nervous or need to rest.

What is Relax?


Taking someone somewhere fancy in a romantic way/a specific day of the month and year/a sweet fresh stone fruit that is also eaten dried

What is a date?


Jojo’s iconic accessory 

What is a bow?


This Disney Princess who owns a tiger and took a ride on a carpet is named for a white flowering vine with the scientific name of “Jasminium”

Who is Princess Jasmine?


“My mama told me ‘go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely’” song

What is 7 Years?


This word is typically preceded by the letter T, which refers to a prehistoric animal who was seen to be dangerous. 

What is rex?


Not the right/remaining/forgot behind at home or some place

what is left?


Wearer of “Not a lot going on at the moment” and “13”

Who is Taylor Swift?


This character from a very popular fantasy series set in England is the rude and unloving aunt to the famous protagonist who was left no choice but to take him in.

Who is Petunia Dursley?


“You look happy and healthy, not me, if you ever cared to ask” song

What is Good 4 U?


Usually seen in music, this is a song or music piece that is a new version of the original with usually a change in beat, tempo, or another song added on top.

What is a remix?


To add spices or salt and pepper/the quarterly sections of a year based on weather

What is season?


Girl who wore a blue checkered dress and sparkly red shoes

Who is Dorothy?


Girlfriend to Donald, This character from a Disney classic is in fact not human but a bird who talks. 

Who is Daisy Duck?


“I’m gonna fight em off. A - - nation army couldn’t hold me back” song

What is 7 Nation Army?


This thing is seen inside grocery stores or outside and is a machine to rent out movies in the form of dvds to people wishing to watch one. 

What is a redbox?


A baked good before cooked/slang for money

What is dough?


In an album cover, this singer has gems on her face and tongue

Who is Olivia Rodrigo?


Famous for chewing gum, this girl character in an iconic movie/book is known for turning the same color as her name after a gum incident, which also happens to be a flower. 

Who is Violet Beaureguarde?


“Remember when we all got drunk. I ended up with 2 broke thumbs. Oh my god I felt so dumb. Lucky me. I wrote a song that no one knows. I played a a show and no one showed. Oh my god, I felt so alone. Lucky me.” song

What is 100 Bad Days? 



“Acid ___” (a condition in which stomach acid repeatedly flows back up the tube connecting the mouth and the stomach)

What is reflux?


Something happening now or relevant now or going on now/the flow of water or air in a certain direction, strong enough to move things

What is current?


This girl looks like a bug with spots when in costume, and changes using a red yoyo

Who is Marinette/Miraculous Ladybug?