An fried egg with many different things inside
What is a Omelette
Who is the main character
Who Is Luke Skywalker
What is 10x20
What is most commonly called the red planet
What is mars
A cylinder shaped meat usually served in a bun
What is a Hotdog
Who is the main villain
Who is Darth Vader
What is 105034 - 5000
What is 100034
A soup based pasta with chicken
What is Chicken noodle soup
What is the weapon to destroy planets
What is the death star
What is 102
What is 100
A closed off shape with pizza like toppings and marinara sauce in it
What is a Pizza pocket/Calzone
What faction usually uses the red light saber?
What is the dark side
A fish is swimming 3 feet under the water the fish jumps 5 feet out of the water how many feet did he jump?
What is 8
What is The third planet from the sun
What is earth
A meat usually know to be in a square shaped can
What is Spam
Who is Lukes father?
Darth Vader/Anakian Skywalker
What is the Sum of twenty-two squared plus twenty
what is 506