Ms. A
Ms. R
Amir's Last Day
Class Rules

This is the borough that Ms. A is from.

What is Queens?


This is the borough that Ms. R is from.

What is Brooklyn?

This is what Amir had for lunch today.

What is chicken nuggets his grandma made?


This is the phrase we use when we want silence and attention in class. It can also signal that we want people to take turns speaking while everyone listens carefully.

What is "One Mic, One Voice"?


This classmate is wearing Spiderman pajamas today.

Who is Khalil?

True or False? Ms. A has pets and she has 2 dogs. 
What is True? A teacup Long Haired Chihuahua and a mystery mix who looks like a mini Black Labrador.
True or False? Amir can do many "impressions" including those from cartoons like Looney Toons.

What is True? (Amir feel free to share your impression skills with the class)

True or False? In class and in school, we must keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

What is True?


This classmate once made a spoon out of an applesauce lid. He is very inventive. He also has a huge Pokemon Card collection that he keeps in a special folio.

Who is Clinton?


True or False? Ms. A speaks 2 languages not including Mandarin Chinese. 

Bonus: Name the languages. +200pts

What is True? Bonus: What are Taiwanese and English?


True or False? Amir is allergic to many foods. Some include seeds and fruits that are red.

BONUS: Name one other thing Amir is allergic to. +200pts

What is True? Bonus: ???


This is the oldest classmate in the room.

Who is Aiden?


True or False? Ms. A's favorite foods are Comfort Foods like Cheeseburgers, Spaghetti and Meatballs with Caesar's Salad, Fried Chicken with Mashed Potatoes, Corn, and Coleslaw, Ramen, and Soup Dumplings.

What is True?


True or False? Amir owns 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 1 goldfish. His cats names are Eeeny, Meeny, and Miney. His dogs names are Justin and Bieber. His goldfish's name is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

What is True? Amir also has 2 hamsters. He calls them Tik and Tok.


When is Christopher's Birthday? (Month/Day/Year)

What is Nov 11, 2011?


True or False? Ms. A's first favorite hobby was reading. One of her favorite books as a kid was The Neverending Story.

What is True?


When is Amir's Birthday?

What is ???