Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4

What is the first achievement name and why is this person on the award?

(Maj Gen) John F. Curry Award

Maj Gen John F. Curry served as Civil Air Patrol's first National Commander


What is this phase called?

The Leadership Phase


How many silver dots are for the Captain rank?

3 silver dots


Who is (Dr.) Sally Ride and which award is she on?

Dr. Ride is best known as the first female American astronaut, but more than that, she was a scientist and engineer who was deeply concerned about science literacy in America. Her Sally Ride Science Festivals inspired thousands of middle school girls to get excited about STEM subjects and related careers.

Second C/Maj 


What is the first milestone of the C.A.P?

The Wright Brother's Award


Who is on the C/MSgt (Cadet Master Sergeant) award?

No one. 



How many 1st Lt awards are there AND what are their names?

Willa Brown & N/A


List all of the ranks starting from C/Amn-C/Col.


C/Amn, C/A1C, C/SrA, C/SSgt, C/TSgt, C/MSgt, C/SMSgt, C/CMSgt, C/2d Lt, C/1st Lt, C/Capt, C/Maj, C/Lt Col, C/Col 


Who is on the achievement 3 award?

Mary Feik


What does the 2d Lt rank look like?

One silver dot


What is the second 2d Lt's award named?



What is this phase called?

The executive phase


What is the requirements for the C/A1C (Cadet Airmen First Class) rank?

Open-book leadership test

Open-book aerospace test

Pass proper P.T test


How many lines does a C/CMSgt (Cadet Chief Master Sergeant) have on the insignia?

3 silver lines on the top


Who is Willa Brown?

A pioneering aviator, Lt Brown earned her pilot's license in 1937, making her the first African American woman to be licensed in the United States. In 1941, she became the first African American officer in the CAP. In 1943, she became the first woman in the United States who possessed both a mechanic's license and a commercial license in aviation. Her aviation school paved the way for the Tuskegee Airmen.


Who is (Col) George Boyd?

Col Boyd was a recipient of two Congressional Gold Medals, one for his service as a CAP cadet from the WWII era, and another as a member of the Tuskegee Airmen, the WWII combat unit famous for overcoming the indignities of segregation while simultaneously amassing an incredible combat record. In his later life, Col Boyd served as commander of CAP’s Kansas Wing.


Who and which rank is H.H "Hap" Arnold?

General "Hap" Arnold was the leading airman during World War II. Arnold expanded the pilot corps by sending military officers to civilian flight schools. Arnold was a milestone aviator who has a notable list of firsts in his log book. In September 1911, he flew the first U.S. airmail; a year later, he won the first Mackay Trophy for aviation. In July 1924, he set a new speed record, 113 mph average, between Rockwell and San Francisco. He followed this feat with his second Mackay Trophy for his command of a flight of 10 Martin B-10 bombers from Bolling Field, DC, to Fairbanks, Alaska, and back. In 1938 he became chief of the Air Corps. In December 1944 he was one of four Army leaders promoted to the five-star rank of general. In May 1949 he was named General of the Air Force, the first such commission ever made.

He is the on the second achievement. 


How many C/CMSgt (Cadet Chief Master Sergeant) awards are there?

2 awards: Dr. Robbert Goddard & Neil Armstrong


What is required to pass the Amelia Earhart?

A closed-book leadership test

P.T test


Who is Gen Ira C Eaker?

General Ira C. Eaker was one of the forefathers of an independent Air Force. With General (then major) Spaatz, in 1929 Eaker remained aloft aboard The Question Mark, a modified Atlantic-Fokker C-2A, for nearly a week, to demonstrate a newfound capability of aerial refueling. During WWII, Eaker rose to the grade of lieutenant general and commanded the Eighth Air Force, "The Mighty Eighth" force of strategic bombers. Even as a general, Eaker preferred to lead from the front, personally flying B-17 precision bombing missions over occupied France and Germany. Today, the Air Force celebrates his legacy by naming the service's top school for commanders in his honor -- the Ira C. Eaker Center for Professional Development at Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.