Kitchen Safety
Hygiene & Cleanliness
Food Stealing
Self Care

What happens when Linguini slips in the kitchen during his first day?

He knocks over pots and pans, causing a dangerous mess.


True or False: Yelling at coworkers, like Chef Skinner often does, is a sign of professionalism.

False. Yelling creates a toxic work environment and is unprofessional.


What should you do if you feel tired while working in a kitchen?

Speak to a supervisor and take a break in a designated area.


True or False: It’s okay for Remy to take food from the kitchen since he’s using it to cook.

False. Taking food without permission is stealing, even if it’s for cooking.


Why is it important for a chef to be well-rested before working in a kitchen?

To stay alert and avoid mistakes that could lead to accidents or poor performance.


Why is it dangerous for Linguini to carry a pot of boiling soup while rushing through the kitchen?

He could slip or spill the hot soup, causing burns or injuries.


How does Colette show professionalism when she first meets Linguini?

 She teaches him proper kitchen techniques and is strict about following rules.


True or False: The floor of a kitchen is a clean and safe place to rest.

False. The floor is unsanitary and full of germs that could contaminate food.


Why is stealing food from a kitchen considered unprofessional?

It violates trust, breaks kitchen rules, and can lead to serious consequences like being fired.


In "Ratatouille," what could happen if a chef like Linguini came to work tired and fell asleep in the kitchen?

They could miss orders, make mistakes, or even cause a safety hazard.


In the movie, why is it dangerous for Linguini to handle kitchen equipment without proper training?

He could injure himself or others by using equipment incorrectly.


What does it mean to be a professional chef in a high-pressure kitchen like Gusteau’s?

Being disciplined, following rules, and maintaining a high standard of behavior.


In "Ratatouille," why would it be dangerous for someone to sit on the floor in Gusteau’s kitchen?

They could be in the way, cause accidents, or introduce dirt into the food preparation area.


In the movie, what is wrong with Remy and his family taking food from the pantry?

They are taking it without permission, which is considered stealing.


Why should chefs trim their beards or wear hairnets, as seen with the kitchen staff in the movie?

To prevent hair from falling into the food, which is a hygiene issue.


What does Remy avoid touching when he is in the kitchen to prevent burns?

Hot stoves and pots.


What mistake does Linguini make when he doesn’t follow Colette’s directions about how to properly prepare food?

He risks ruining the dish and creating confusion in the kitchen, showing a lack of professionalism.


In the movie, how does the kitchen staff maintain cleanliness when preparing food?

They constantly wash their hands, wear aprons, and keep the workstations clean.


What could happen to a chef if they are caught stealing food from a restaurant kitchen?

They could lose their job, face legal issues, or damage their reputation.


True or False: Wearing a belt is important for kitchen workers to maintain a professional appearance and avoid distractions.

True. Wearing proper attire, like a belt, helps maintain professionalism and safety.


What dangerous kitchen behavior does Linguini show when he spills soup and tries to hide it instead of reporting it?

Failing to report the spill could lead to accidents or contamination in the kitchen.


Why is it unprofessional for Chef Skinner to belittle and undermine Linguini in front of the other chefs?

It shows disrespect, lowers morale, and disrupts teamwork in the kitchen.


In the movie, how does Colette demonstrate proper hygiene when working in the kitchen?

She wears her chef’s uniform correctly, keeps her station clean, and follows all food safety protocols.


True or False: If no one sees you take food, it’s okay

False. Stealing is wrong, even if no one notices.


In "Ratatouille," why is it important for Linguini to wear a proper chef’s uniform, including a hairnet and apron?

To maintain hygiene by preventing hair, sweat, and dirt from contaminating the food.