A car accelerates to 30 mph in 180 feet.
1 mph for every 6 feet
In a linear equation, does the rate of change stay the same?
2x = 24
How does positive slope look left to right?
Low on the left, high on the right
What is an equation?
Something with an equal sign in it
3 bags of rice cost $6.75 and 5 bags of rice cost $11.25.
$2.25 per bag of rice
If the formula is y=2/3x + 7. What is the rate of change and how would you move it on the graph?
For every 2 up on the Y axis, you go 3 right on the X axis.
3x + 5 = 14
What does zero slope look like?
Flat on the X axis
Can an equation be false?
A swimming pool has 200 gallons of water and then 8 minutes later it has 360 gallons of water.
20 gallons of water per minute
What is the rate of change for y=-2x + 7, and how would you move it on the graph?
For every 2 you go down on the Y axis, you go 1 to the right on the X axis. Or for every 2 you go up on the Y axis you go left one on the X axis.
12x - 7 = 5
Is negative slope uphill or downhill?
Downhill left to right, Uphill right to left
Write an expression
Various, must have a variable, numbers, and a math operation
Janice has typed 32 words. 2 minutes later she has typed 68 total words.
18 words per minute
What part of y=mx+b is the rate of change?
3x + 5 = 7
If slope is 2/3, does the 2 represent rise or run?
What is the value of math?
Various, but you must support your answer
An employee earns $28.50 after 3 hours and $237.50 after 25 hours.
$9.50 per hour
If I am traveling to school and my first 5 minutes I travel 5 miles, but my next 10 minutes I travel 10 miles. What is my rate of change?
It is the same 1 mile per minute
2/3x = 6
What buttons on a graphing calculator can be used to graph an equation?
y= and graph
What is the value of Algebra?
Various, but you must support your answer