Rates 1
Rates 2
Rates 3
Rates 4
Rates 5

If a water tap fills a 450-liter tank with water in 1 hour, the water flows at the rate of____________ liters per minute.

7.5 liters per minute


If $24.00 is charged for 120 kilowatts of electricity consumed, the rate is __________ cents/kW.

20 cents/kW


If a car travels 100 km in 4 hours, the rate of travel is________km/h.

25 km/h


If one dozen eggs are sold for $2.40, the rate is________ cents per egg.

$0.20 per egg


If a car travels 150 km on 15 liters of gasoline, what is the rate of gasoline consumption in km/l?

10 km/l


If a typist can type 250 words in 5 minutes, how many words can he type in 1 minute?

50 words in a minute


If a man walks 7 kilometers in 2 hours, how many kilometers does he have to walk in 1 hour?

3.5 km/h


For every three male birds in a birdcage, there are six female birds. What is the ratio of males to females?



If the ratio of pickles to jalapenos on a burger is 6:8, how many jalapenos are on the burger if there are 12 pickles?

16 jalapenos


Kate can clean 72 rooms in 6 days. How many rooms can Kate clean in 9 days?

108 rooms in 9 days


At the market, 8 batteries cost $10. How much do 6 batteries cost?



I can write 12 email per day. How long will it take me to write 60 emails?

5 days

At the pet store the ratio of dogs to cats was 4:7. For every _______ dogs there are ______ cats.

4 dogs: 7 cats


An ant crawls about 2 feet in one hour.
How many feet does it crawl in 6 hours?

 12 feet


Bob can type 40 words per minute. How long will it take to write a 400 word essay?

10 minutes


Peter can run 10 kilometers in 2 hours. How long will it take to run 30 kilometers?

6 hours


An object travels 6 feet in two minutes. How many feet will it travel in 10 min?

30 feet


It takes me 5 minutes to swim 2 laps. How many minutes will it take me to swim 6 laps?

15 minutes


A horse walks 12 meters in 3 minutes. How many meters will it walk in 12 minutes?

48 meters


I can wash a car in 20 minutes. How many minutes will it take me to wash 20 cars?

400 minutes


If a worm moves 30 centimeters in an hour, how many centimeters will it move in three hours?

90 centimeters


A dog can run 3 miles in 3 minutes. How many miles can it run in 12 minutes?

12 miles


A snail travels 3 miles in one day. How many miles will it travel in 7 days?

21 miles


Mrs. McClure sleep for six hours each night. How many hours a week does she sleep?

42 hours


A cat sleeps 22 hours a day. How many hours a week does the cat sleep per week? 

154 hours