Opposing Forces
Madison's Musings
Acts and Actors

His request for a writ of mandamus fell outside the Constitution's grant of original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court.

Who is William Marbury?


Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry opposed its ratification.

What is the Constitution?


The republican principle allows a majority to defeat the sinister views of this.

What is a minority faction?


Ambition must be made to counteract this.

What is ambition?


James Madison was the driving force behind the First Congress proposing this.

What is the Bill of Rights.


The President who signed Marbury's commission.

Who was John Adams?


Because they believed in legislative supremacy, the Democratic-Republicans opposed the executive veto and this power of judges.

What is the power of judicial review?


This election saw power in the new United States pass from one political party to another for the first time.

What is the election of 1800?


A dependence on this group is the primary control on the government.

Who are the people?


William Marbury relied on the Judiciary Act of 1789 in filing his request for a writ of mandamus in this court.

What is the Supreme Court?


Aaron Burr's play for the Presidency failed when this staunch Federalist threw his support behind Thomas Jefferson.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


A group that acts contrary to the interests of the community (meaning the people as a group) or seeks to deprive some people of their rights is called this.

What is a faction?


Each branch must have as little role as possible in the selection of the others; this ensures each has its own of this.

What is will?


It is sown in the nature of man to develop zeal for differing opinions regarding this and religion.

What is government?


This Civil War Amendment is the only provision after the Bill of Rights to have comparable significance.

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?


The Chief Justice who wrote the opinion of the Court in Marbury v. Madison.

Who is John Marshall?


Democratic-Republicans opposed vigorous executive power until this man became President.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


To accomplish anything of significance in our system requires the cooperation of at least two of these competitors for power.

What are the branches of government?


In framing a government of these, you must first enable the government to control the governed and next oblige it to control itself.

What is men over men?


In republican government, this authority necessarily predominates; the remedy is to divide it into different bodies with different modes of election.

What is the legislative authority?


After the 1800 election, the out-going Congress, also known as this, passed the Midnight Judges Act.

What is a lame duck Congress?


Giving each branch the means (or tools) and the motivation to resist encroachments by other branches is the greatest security against this.

What is tyranny, or the concentration of power in one branch?


A republic dilutes the effect of faction because it can govern these.

What are larger territory and more people?


A pure democracy has no cure for faction if the faction consists of this. 

What is a majority?


An act or law from any source that is inconsistent with this is not valid.

What is the Constitution?