Absolute value
The absolute value of -5
What is 5
order these rational numbers from least to greatest;
5, -2, -5, 2
what is -5, -2, 2, 5
The absolute value of 6.4
What is 6.4
Order these rational numbers from least to greatest:
-4, -5, -7, 3, 9, 6, 2
What is -7, -5, -4, 2, 3, 6, 9
The absolute value of 0.6 cont.
What is 0.6 cont.
Two Integers whose absolute value is 22
what is -22 and 22?
what is 2 4/5
Use an inequality sign to compare these two numbers:
-13 and -18
What is -18< -13
or -13 > -18
the absolute value of the rational number 0
what is 0
Put these rational numbers in order from least to greatest:
1/3, -5, 6.4, 0.6 cont., -2 4/5, 0, 7/3
what is : 6.4, 7/3, 0.6, 1/3, 0, -2 4/5, -5