"deadass me in a nutshell PEANUT"
tiktok saying "the vibes i bring"
this girl used to wear french barets in first grade
which girl drunk texted someone on thanksgiving
when is carolines birthday
septemer 22nd
which girls had 1st period bio
caroline, maeve, paige
"ill miss vacation but not this sunburn"
lip syncing we cant be friends by ariana grande
this girl screamed when henry and kevin shot orbeez at them through a window
who got drunk then had to go to chuckee cheese the next day
what was the name of candaces dog
what holiday does sierra always spend with Jackie and Charlie
st.pattys day
"beuh my mom met santa so i better bave gotten my whole list da faiq"
when April met santa and there were 8 days till christmas
this girl broke her arm when she was 3
when trick or treating who popped out of a tree in a skeleton costume
aiden geis
name one of the names maeve has said she wants to name her kids
brooke or nathan
name the amount of years that all 5 rats were in the same class
1st and 5th
"ik the absence report hates to see me coming"
tiktok about how shes sick again
who missed the first day of 3rd grade because she was in disney world?
what was the deciding factor for the boy group to choose to come over on new years eve
that Liam could come
what was paiges favorite animal in elementary school
billy goat
who did candace share a room with on the Gettysburg feild trip
maddy danz and katie ryan
"speaks for itself"
muted tiktok showing her private stories in 2023
in 5th grade this girl helped make pancakes with chris cutsogeorge for the holiday party
on what date did sierra's party become public knowledge?
hint: jan30th- feb5th
febuary 1st
how many years did sierra do gymnastics?
what is the name of the 30 something year old lady that works everyday at the Y with maeve?