Entering the Room
Book Care
Book Bags and Checkout
Mrs. Nygren
Materials and Equipment

What you do when you enter the library?

Quietly sit down on the animal carpet or table spot.

Please don't ask what we are doing today, I promise to ALWAYS tell you at the start of class!


What can I use to save my place in a library book?

A Bookmark or piece of paper. 

Never fold the corners of the book pages.


Why do we have book bags?

To keep our books safe

To keep our books together

To remind us to return our library books


How many kids does Mrs. Nygren have?

*Bonus: Names and Ages! 

I have two kids

Lucy, Age 6 and Bobby, Age 4


How long can you keep your library books?

One week


What should I bring to the library with me?

Nothing! Except a Positive Attitude!

Don't bring hats, gum, smartwatches/devices, toys, food.


What are some places you should not read your library books? Name 3




Swimming Pool

On a Chairlift


What is a shelf marker?

Something you use to help keep our shelves neat.


How many pets does Mrs. Nygren have?

One, a corgi named Winston


What do you do if you want to keep a library book longer than 1 week?

Put a sticky note on your book saying you would like to renew it


What voice level should we use when entering the library?



Where should I put my books when I take them home?

Inside my book bag in my backpack.


Put books here if you find them in the wrong place.

The Green Cart!

The green cart is for returns only. Please don't leave books on my desk or other spots in the library or they may get lost  or put away without being checked in. 


What is Mrs. Nygren's favorite Animal?


Where do we line up at the end of library?

On the dotted line in LINE ORDER


Where do books go if you need to check them in on library check out day?

In your library basket inside your classroom.

Book baskets should be delivered to the library first thing on your library day so I have time to check in books before classes start.


Why shouldn't you let other people borrow my books?

The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility.


Can you check out a new book if you did not return your old books?

No. You may only have two books at a time and old books need to be returned before checking out new ones so everyone can enjoy them!


What is Mrs. Nygren's favorite thing to eat for dinner?


(and ice cream for dessert!)


What should you do if you forget where to put a library book away when you are done reading it?

Place in on the right cart

Yellow and Pink Carts is for books in the upper library

Blue Carts are for books in the lower library

Green Cart is only for returns.


What do I need to check out books on my library day?

Your book bag.

Remember you must bring  your old books back before you can check out a new one.


What should I keep my book away from?

Pets, small children, and water.


Who is responsible for remembering to return my books on library day?

You are! Not your mom, dad or teacher. YOU!


How many years has Mrs. Nygren taught at Rattlesnake?

9 years! This year will be my 10th year at Rattlesnake! 


Why should you take care of the library's equipment?

So others can use it too.