This event most likely shaped part of Ray's writing style. In which his family was greatly affected.
What is the Great Depression?
This novel, written by Bradbury in 1951, centers around a fireman, tasked with burning books, is seduced by reading.
What is Fahrenheit 451?
This Town has a population of 87,642 where Ray Bradbury was born.
What is Waukegan, Illinois?
This person, known around the world for their animation company, were good friends with Ray Bradbury.
Who is Walt Disney?
This Political party, known for their symbol of a donkey, was the one Bradbury voted for until 1968.
Who are the Democrats?
This event resulted in the first resignation of the presidency. In which Bradbury was 51.
What is The Watergate Scandal?
This novel, written by Bradbury in 1957, centers around a magical but brief summer of a 12 year old boy in Green Town, Illinois.
What is Dandelion Wine?
This area, known for its film and television ties, is where Ray Died in 2012.
What is Los Angeles, California?
This holiday, known for its festive costumes, was a favorite of Bradbury.
What is Halloween?
This man, who was president from 2000 to 2008, was called "Wonderful" by Bradbury prior to the September 11th attacks.
Who is George W. Bush?
This event was nicknamed "the survival war" by the current president at the time.
What is World War 2?
This collection of short stories, written by Bradbury in 1959, contains stories like "All Summer In A Day."
What is A Medicine for Melancholy?
This genre of book is famous for books such as "The only good Indians" and "Nothing but blackened teeth," which Bradbury was a fan of.
What is Horror?
This hobby, known for using bright color, was something Ray loved to do.
What is Painting?
This war, which lasted from 1955 to 1975, saw Bradbury criticize Lyndon Johnson, who was currently handling the War efforts.
What is the Vietnam War?
In this event, a famous quote is "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
What are the Moon Landings?
This Novel, written by Bradbury in 1962,centers a carnival run by a evil man named "Mr. Dark"
What is Something Wicked This Way Comes?
This group of people, known for their on stage slight of hand, were a favorite of Bradbury.
Who are Magicians?
This park, originally named after a European currency, was one in which Ray helped in creating.
What is Disneyland Paris/ Euro Disneyland?
This man, Who was president from 1993 to 2001, was dismissed by Bradbury, in which he called him a "S***head."
Who is Bill Clinton?
This man was president for the final years of Ray Bradbury's life. In which he was a first.
Who is Barack Obama?
This novel, written by Bradbury in 2006, was a sequel to the acclaimed novel "Dandelion Wine." in which this was his last
What is Farewell Summer?
This nickname for his hometown was used in his novels.
What is Green Town?
This Mammal, which was mostly around during the Jurassic Period, was a favorite toy of Bradbury.
What is Apatosaurus?
This man, who was president from 1977 to 1981, was the only Democrat Bradbury voted from from 1968 until his death.
Who is Jimmy Carter?