Literary Devices
Critical Thinking
Making Inferences
Who is the protagonist in the story?
Squeaky or Hazel Elizabeth Deborah Parker
In what activity is Squeaky a prodigy?
What are two of the nicknames that Hazel has besides "Squeaky" and why do they call her that?
Mercury and Quicksilver
What are some similarities between Squeaky and Gretchen? Differences?
Same Age, runners, competitive; Gretchen has friends, freckles and does not have a responsibility like Raymond.
What can we infer about Squeaky's relationship with her mother based on the things she says about her/
Their realationship seems tense. Squeaky's mom wants her to be more feminine
What is the Climax of the story?
When Squeaky decided that she does not care if she wins and cares more that Raymond could be a good runner,
Define the word "liable" and use it correctly in a sentence.
Why does Squeaky feel that the May Pole Dance is a waste of time?
Squeaky is a runner and she takes it very seriously. Although she knows her mom would like for her to participate, she does not want to, she would rather run.
Which one of Gretchen's sidekicks is Squeaky particulary upset with? Why
Mary Louise. She used to be her friends and now she speaks very ill of Squeaky
What can we infer about how taking care of Raymond affects Squeaky's life?
She always has to think about Raymond and keeping his safe. As she gets older and her life changes this will become more difficult for her.
What is the resolution of the story?
Squeaky wins the race and make plans to coach Raymond. The conflict is resolved when she smiles and Gretchen and and thinks of asking her to help coach Raymond.
Define the word sidekick and give the name of one Gretchen's sidekicks in the story.
Mary Louise and Rosie
Why is Squeaky really jumping up and down with excitement at the end of the race?
She is amazed and pleased to see how well Raymond was running beside her.
How does Squeaky evolve as a person throughout the story?
She goes from a girl who only cares about winning, to a girl who wants to help others win. She becomes less selfish
What inferences can we draw from the fact that right before a race Squeaky tells herself "you are the fastest thing in the world, you can even beat your father up Amsterdam if you try"
This is her way to focus her energy and remain confident
Identify the conflict in Raymond's Run.
Man vs man
The vocabulary word that is a synonym for "grasp"
Why do the other children tease Raymond?
Because he is different than they are due to a medical condition.
What does Squeaky mean when she says "We stand there with this big smile of respect between us. It's about as real a smile as girls can do for each other, considering we don't practice real smiling every, you know cause maybe we too busy being flowers or fairies or strawberries instead of something honest and worthy of like being people."
Commenting on how women should be valued.
Squeaky alludes to the fact that her older brother used to take care of Raymond but now she does..what can we infer about why Squeaky is now responsible for Raymond.
Before Squeaky was too young, but now she is old enough to mind Raymond.
Line 200 "The man on the loudspeaker is as clear as a bell" is an example of a
The vocabulary word that refers to a team effort is?
Why is it so difficult for Squeaky to make friends?
She is constantly on the defense because she has to take up for Raymond so much
Why does Squeaky want the fact that her father can beat her in racing kept a secret?
It would threaten her reputation as the fastest kid in the neighborhood
What can we infer about the people who feel that it is necessary to tease Raymond?
They are insensitive or insecure about themselves