social skills
conflict resolution
group work strategies
active listening

When you meet someone new, this is one thing you can do to make a good impression.**

*make eye contact and say hello*


**When you're upset with someone, this is the best way to approach them.**

*Stay calm and explain how you feel using "I" statements*


**This is what you should do if one person is dominating the group conversation.**

*politely ask if others can share their thoughts too*


**This is something you can do if you don’t understand an assignment in class.**

*raise your hand and ask for clarification*


**When someone is talking to you, this is one thing you can do to show you’re listening.**

*make eye contact and nod your head*


**If someone says something you disagree with, this is a polite way to respond.**

*“I see your point, but I think…”*


**If a classmate says something hurtful to you, this is a good first step.**

*Calmly tell them how it made you feel*


**This is one way to keep a group project organized.**

*make a plan or a timeline with specific tasks for everyone*


**When someone is treating you unfairly, this is the best way to speak up.**

*Calmly explain how you feel and what you need from them*


**This is a way to check if you understood someone correctly after they’ve spoken.**

*Repeat what they said in your own words and ask if you understood right*


**This is what you should do if someone interrupts you while you’re talking.**

*Politely say, “I wasn’t finished speaking, can I continue?”*


**This is one way to avoid misunderstandings in a group project.**

*Communicate regularly and clearly about expectations*


**When someone in the group isn’t participating, this is a way to encourage them.**

*ask them for their opinion or assign them a role they’re interested in*


**If you’re struggling with a group project, this is one way to ask for help.**

*talk to the teacher and explain the challenges you’re facing*


**If someone is upset and talking to you, this is a good way to respond.**

*listen carefully and say, “I understand why you feel that way”*


**This is an example of nonverbal communication that can show you're listening.**

*Nodding your head or making eye contact*


**When a disagreement can’t be solved easily, this is a useful way to make progress.**

*Ask for help from a teacher or mediator*


**This is how you can handle it when group members are off-task.**

*remind them of the goal and suggest taking a short break if needed*


**When you feel overwhelmed by schoolwork, this is one thing you can do to manage your workload.**

*ask for extra time or help from a teacher or counselor*


**When a friend is explaining something important, this is how you can show you’re paying attention.**

*ask questions and avoid interrupting while they speak*


**If you're in a group conversation and you want to join in, this is one way to enter the discussion.**

*Wait for a pause, then add a comment or ask a question*


**If two people in your group aren’t getting along, this is something you can do to help them resolve the issue.**

*encourage them to talk it out and listen to each other’s perspectives*


**If the group has different ideas about how to finish a project, this is one way to make a decision.**

*vote or compromise by combining ideas*


**This is what you can do if a group member isn’t doing their share of work.**

*talk to them directly about it, then ask for teacher assistance if needed*


**If you don’t understand what someone just said, this is what you should do.**

*Politely ask them to repeat or explain it in a different way*