Social Skills
Friendship & Relationships
Starting Conversations
Safety/social skills
Social Media Skills

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to show up at my friend's house without calling first.

False. You should always call before showing up at someone's house, in case they are busy or sleeping.


What is one thing you can do to be a good friend?

Listen to your friends and support them when they need help!


What is a good question to ask someone you just met?

“What are your favorite hobbies?” or “How was your weekend?”


True or False I saw my favourite game in the store.  I should take it home with me without paying.

False. You will always need to pay for things at a store to be able to take it home.


If I have a new friend and I want to meet up with them later for lunch.  A:  Text them once and wait for a response;  B:  Text them every 5 minutes until they respond;  

Text them once and wait for a response. If more than a day has gone past you could ask them in person at school.


TRUE OR FALSE:  When I arrive at someone's house, instead of sitting in the car and honking the horn, I should knock on the door.



How often should you check in with a friend to maintain a strong relationship?

Regularly, but not too often. It depends on the friend and the relationship.


How should you respond if someone asks, “How are you?”

You can say, “I’m good, thank you! How about you?”


I like my friend a lot, but I am not comfortable with what he is asking me to do. It might even sound dangerous. I should do it anyway or tell my friend it's uncomfortable and walk away.

Kindly let them know you are uncomfortable. If they still won't listen, then you should walk away. Anyone that loves you is going to respect you.


I have this girl or boy that I really like.  They are really cute.  They don't live in the same area and they asked me to send them a picture of myself.   I'm worried if I don't send it they won't talk to me anymore.  Should I do this?

Never send pictures of yourself to people you do not know.  You should talk to your parents or a trusted adult if somebody ever asks you this.


True or False When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer.

False. They may be thinking of an answer, and repeatedly asking would be annoying and frustrating to others.


What is an appropriate way to tell a friend you are upset with them?

Calmly explain how you feel and why, using “I” statements.


What is an appropriate way to introduce yourself in a new group?

“Hi, I’m [Your Name], it’s nice to meet you!”


All of my friends are not following the rules. Should I be with my friends or tell them to make better choices.

Encourage them to make better choices, tell an adult you trust if what they are doing is dangerous or unsafe, or go find another friend to play with who is following the rules.


How much time should I spend on my phone or device?  Watching youtube, netflix, a day?  A:  18 hours a day:  B:  less than 2 hours a day   C: 6 hours a day

Less than 2 hours a day. Especially during the school term otherwise we won't have enough time to fit in other important activities in our day.


If someone is different from me, and does things that appear strange like talking to himself or wanting to be alone, how should I treat them?

Be friendly. Everyone is different, and that is okay.


What should you do if a friend says something that hurts your feelings?

Let them know how it made you feel and give them a chance to apologize.False. That is very rude.


What is a good way to keep a conversation going if it starts to lag?

Ask a follow-up question related to what the other person said.


I met this really nice stranger when I was by myself and they asked me to get in the car with them because they have lollies and chocolate inside the car. What should I do?

Say "no thanks" and walk away immediately.


A person I met online wants my address and my mom's credit card number to help me buy a game. What should i do?

Do not share personal information ever! if somebody online asks for personal information it is a sign that they are not a safe person to talk with.


True or False It would be rude for me to ask friends to buy my lunch every day until I have enough money.

True. Every now and then friends like to help you out, but if you are ALWAYS asking your friends to do something for you, they will grow tired of it.


How can you help a friend who is having a hard time?

Offer to listen, help them with something specific, or just spend time with them.


Name a topic that is safe to talk about with someone you don’t know well.

School activities, favorite movies, or the weather.


I don't like the game my friend suggested playing. Should I tell them politely I don't want to play or shout and scream at them. 

Say politely that you don't want to play. It would be helpful to give a different suggestion that yu would both enjoy.


My friend wants me to buy him Vbucks for his fortnite games.  I really like this friend and want to keep playing with him.  

A good friend will be your friend even if you don't buy them anything.