Steps of Accountability
Communication Skills
Body Language
Conflict Resolution

T or F:

We should own up to our actions to be accountable people.



What is active listening?

Fully focusing, understanding, and responding to what the other person is saying.


What is body language?

Nonverbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and posture that communicate feelings or intentions.deadline


You break a siblings game and he's furious . Should you... 

1. Own up, apologize and try to fix it?

2. Fight with him because he's yelling at you?

1. Own up, apologize and try to fix it


What is the first step in resolving a conflict?

Calm down and think before reacting.


T or F:

You should apologize even when you don't mean it.



What’s one polite way to end a conversation?

"It was great talking to you! I have to go, but let’s catch up again soon."


What does crossed arms often signify in a conversation?

It can show defensiveness or discomfort.


You lose control and call your friend a mean name.

1. Make it worse and keep saying things to them since they're not accepting my apology?

2. Cool off, apologize and promise to try to check yourself next time?

2.  Cool off, apologize and promise to try to check yourself next time


What is one strategy to de-escalate a heated argument?

Take a break and come back to the discussion when both parties are calm.


T or F:

There can be good and bad consequences in life.



What does it mean to "read the room"?

Understanding the mood or emotions of a group and adjusting your behavior or words accordingly.


How can you show you’re interested in what someone is saying without speaking?

Nodding, maintaining eye contact, and facing the person.


You get a pass to come to speech but wander off for 45 minutes inside of going to speech.  Should you...

1. Make something up when they find you in the hall? 

2. Get mad when security brings you to the office? 

3. Apologize and be prompt when you get a pass next time? 

Apologize and be prompt when you get a pass next time


Why is it important to listen to the other person’s point of view in a conflict?

It shows respect and helps you understand their perspective.


T or F:

If I don't do my chores like I said I will, I can still go hang out with my friends.



How can you join a group conversation without interrupting?

Wait for a pause in the conversation and then add something relevant to what’s being discussed.


What does it mean when someone is fidgeting during a conversation?

It could indicate nervousness or impatience.


Your parent asked you to clean up your room. You forgot and instead played video games for 3 hours. Your parents finds you playing video games and are very angry. 

What do you do?

Stop playing video games, apologize for forgetting and start cleaning up as soon as possible.


How can you express your feelings in a conflict without blaming the other person?

Use "I" statements, like "I feel upset when..."


Name 1 step you can take in being an accountable person.

Being honest, owning up to our mistakes/behavior (even when we might get into trouble), making sure our responsibilities get done, etc.


Why is looking around or towards a person important in conversations?

It shows you’re paying attention and are engaged in the conversation.Plan


What are two examples of positive body language?

Smiling and leaning slightly forward while listening.


You get angry when your parents reminds you to do something for the 4th time. You yell at them and storm away. 

What can you do to be an accountable person?

Let's hear it. 


What should you do if a conflict cannot be resolved immediately?

Agree to disagree and revisit the issue later if needed.