Operant Conditioning
Preference Assessments
Antecedent Interventions

This is when you add something to the environment to increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future. 

What is positive reinforcement?


This is the kind of preference assessment where you have two items and ask the client to choose between them. 

What is a forced choice preference assessment?


This is what antecedent interventions attempt to do. 

What is prevent behavior?


This is the term for what happens directly after the behavior. 

What is the consequence?


This is an observable and measurable action. 

What is behavior?


This is when you remove something from the environment to decrease crease the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future.

What is negative punishment?

This is the difference between a reinforcer assessment and a preference assessment. 

What is that things you prefer are not always effective reinforcers (you may not want to work for things you prefer)?


This is when an antecedent occur in relation to the behavior. 

What is before the behavior?


This is the term for taking data on every single instance of a behavior. 

What is frequency?


This triggers the behavior.

What is an antecedent?


This is when you remove something from the environment to increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future.

What is negative reinforcement?


This is a preference assessment where you observe what the client interacts with and track the duration of how long they play with that item.

What is a free operant preference assessment?


These are some antecedent interventions that may be helpful for transitions. 

What is timers, verbal warnings, visual schedules, first/then (premack principle) and so on?


This is the term for someone who by law must report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to the proper authorities. 

What is a mandated reporter?


This is the "test" that is used in ABA to determine if something is a behavior. 

What is the deadman's test?


This is the most common kind of consequence that we use in ABA. 

What is reinforcement?


This is a preference assessment where you present multiple items and ask the client to choose one - and then you do not replace that item. 

What is a multiple stimulus without replacement (MSWO) preference assessment?


These are some possible antecedent interventions that may be helpful for escape maintained behaviors. 

What are visual schedules, first/then (premack principle), telling the client how many until they are all done (and so on)?


This is the term for when you behave one way in the presence of an SD, and another way in its absence. 

What is stimulus control?


This is what maintains the behavior. 

What is the consequence?


This is when you add something to the environment to decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future.

What is positive punishment?


This is the kind of motivating operation that may make an item in a preference assessment more valuable in the moment. 

What is an establishing operation?


These are some antecedent interventions that may be helpful for attention maintained behaviors. 

What is satiation of attention, random attention throughout the day, (and so on)?


This is the term for a motivating operation where something is not valuable in the moment. 

What is an abolishing operation?


This is the purpose of taking ABC data. 

What is to understand the function(s) of the behavior?