An event that occurs after a behavior and changes the likelihood of that behavior.
What is a consequence?
A count of every instance of a behavior
What is Frequency?
Teaching stimuli used to systematically provide learners with the appropriate response. Proactively faded to transfer stimulus control to SD.
What are prompts?
Client engages in property destruction in classroom. Teacher sits client down and talks to him for 5 minutes about why it is wrong to break toys. Client increases instances of property destruction. Identify the function.
What is attention?
Name at least 3 different philosophical underpinnings (or assumptions of ABA)
What is determinism, empiricism, experimentation, replication, parsimony, pragmatism, philosophical, selectionism doubt?
The process of reinforcing successive approximations to a target behavior.
What is shaping?
A measure of how severe a behavior is
What is intensity?
Identifying the reinforcer for a maladaptive behavior and making that reinforcer no longer available for that target behavior
What is extinction?
Client engages in closed hand striking. Therapist allows client access to his favorite piano toy. Therapist prompts "my turn" and client engages in more closed hand striking. Identify the function.
What is access to tangibles?
Name at least 3 dimensions of ABA
What is applied, conceptually systematic, technological, analytic, generality, effective, behavioral
The procedure in which a consequence is ADDED AFTER a behavior and the likelihood of that behavior INCREASES.
What is positive reinforcement?
A measure of how long a behavior occurs.
What is duration?
The procedure in which a consequence is REMOVED following a behavior and that behavior INCREASES?
What is negative reinforcement?
What is ABC data?
An establishing operation would have a (blank) on behavior, while a abolishing operation would have a (blank) on the behavior.
What is evocative effect, abative effect?
The procedure in which a consequence is ADDED AFTER a behavior and the behavior DECREASES.
What is Positive Punishment?
A measure in which a behavior is only recorded as an instance if it occurs for the WHOLE predetermined interval.
What is whole-interval recording?
Procedure in which multiple steps are completed in order to complete an overall task. Can be forwards or backwards.
What is chaining?
Teacher uses instructional voice in order to gain attention of the class. Client runs away and covers his ears in response to this aversive stimulus. Identify the function.
What is escape?
Name the 3 principles of stimulus equivalence
What is reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity?
Event or stimuli that occurs BEFORE behavior and contributes to the elicitation of the behavior.
What is an antecedent?
The measure of time between an SD and a response.
What is latency?
Sudden increase in behavior once an identified reinforcer is removed.
What is extinction burst?
Client finds PE aversive. When approaching the gym at school, Client will elope to the cafeteria. Client is allowed to stay in the cafeteria until PE is over. Client continues to elope. Identify the function.
What is avoidance?
What are the 3 different types of CMO's?
What is transitive, surrogate, reflexive?