These types of prompts are presented in the form of pictures, videos, or other things you can see to convey expected behaviors and contingencies to prompt the learner to make the desired response.
What are visuals?
This method of prompting allows for the least amount of error to teach the target behavior.
Errorless Teaching
This means to repeat words or phrases exactly as they are heard.
What is Echoic Behavior?
Applied Behavior Analysis
What % of your hours need to be supervised?
AO stands for this which means to reduce the motivation to engage in a behavior.
What are Abolishing Operations?
The RBT gives the Sd of "write your name." The RBT then puts their hand over the client's hand to write the client's name. This an example of what prompt?
Full Physical Prompt
Answering questions and fill-in-the-blank communication is known as this.
What is Intraverbal?
The RBT is trying to teach his client to wash his hands. The RBT uses hand over hand prompts with the client for all the steps of handwashing but the final step (Throwing the paper towel away). This is an example of what?
Backwards Chaining
EO stands for this which means to increase the motivation to engage in a behavior.
What is Establishing Operation?
The RBT gives the Sd "clap hands." After no response, the RBT points to the client's hands. The client then claps their hands. This is an example of what kind of prompt?
Gesture Prompt
Labeling objects is also known as this.
What is a Tact?
Naturalistic Environmental Teaching
What are the verbal operants?
You do this to set the environment or learning area in a structured way that promotes learning by setting the learner up for success and reducing distractions.
What are Environmental Arrangements?
The RBT gives the Sd "Say Baby." The RBT then prompts the client with saying "Ba-". This an example of what prompt?
Partial Vocal
A court reporter would be said to engage in this behavior.
What is Transcription?
Discrete Trial Training
According to the RBT Ethics code, RBTs cannot accept gifts from clients/clients family worth more than how much money?
This method of prompting means you give the maximum support and fade or decrease prompts in a hierarchical and systematic manner until the learner is independent without prompts.
What is Most-To-Least Prompting?
The RBT is attending a family outing and the RBT is trying to teach the client to push the cart. After giving the SD "Push the cart", the client stares at the RBT and starts to laugh. After 5 second, the RBT grabs the cart and pushes it. After pushing the cart for some time, the RBT restates the SD "Push the Cart." The client then begins pushing the cart. The RBT reinforces the client. What prompt is being used here?
Model Prompt
What is Listener Responding?
Functional Communication Training
Every time a client independently sits down, the RBT plays music. This increases the client independently sitting down with the addition of music. This an example of what?
Positive Reinforcement